
Aug 26, 2005 16:18

3 nights ago, I went downtown with Ari && Debra && we were hanging out with Josh, Remy, && Dan. Dan was jumping over me && Doing 180's && Remy video-taped it. lOl it was alot of fun tho.. && I went home at about 10 that night .. Then wed. morning we called Remy && we're like Remy u really need a girlfriend so why dont u go out with Holly? She really likes you .. *Actually we dont know that for sure, but she doesnt deny it! So yeah, we pretty much got this thing down.. But Remy kept saying no no i dont want a girlfriend && stuff like that.. && So yesterday i went over to ari's house && we walked downtown again && went to tom && jerry's (an ice cream shop where holly works) && we gave her a flower saying it was supposed to be from Remy but Idk if she believed us or not.. but we went downtown && went to the church && sure enough there was dan && josh && everyone else..but Remy wasnt there! So we walked all the way back to Remy's house, && he wasn't there.. he ended up being across the street at his friends house "watching a movie" && thats why he couldnt come downtown with us.. && he didnt wanna go to tom && jerry's because he knew holly worked there. so. we walked back to the church && got dan, went back to remy's house && i wrote him a note && i put it on his pillow in his room && took one of his hats && was wearing it && we went back to ryan's house && had remy come outside.. we figured he'd come downtown with us that way, because dan was with us.. but we were wrong lol, he stayed at ryan's house .. && we were bugging him about holly && going out with her, but he still kept on saying no && everything.. so we're like well u gotta go see holly now since u gave her a flower && everything && he's like uhm when did i ever give her a flower? && were like TODAY REMEMBER!? && we showed him the picture of it && hes just like OMG && we're like come on remy... && he's just like OMG U GUYS ARE SOO ANNOYING! but he didnt seem like he was getting mad or anything.. && he never did end up coming downtown with us.. soo idk. then today me && ari did some arts && crafts && lets just say we made a little delivery =D hahahaha... *i wonder if he found it yet??* --lOl, ari *We are soo good-- && tomorrow is MITP, so were gonna try && set up remy && holly then, too. FUN FUN!! =]
*&& Randall told me that he's not gonna be able to see me until Monday because he's leaving for the weekend to go somewhere today, && wont be back until Sunday =[ I miss him soo much right now I really wanna see him! x33 x3
&&Also, Im thinking about making my journal PuBLiC*
Anywho, later gators
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