Spam, the literary innovation of the future

Feb 17, 2008 19:02

From: "Panak Baus"
Subject: New job! introrse


New job offer

That one bent on winning victory, that bowman, and smiling the while, he also, with a broadheaded therein, to the number of at least one seat for ungregarious, and avoided making acquaintances merit, therefore the practices in seasons of distress i could not possibly think nor keep account of the subject, and susie was resolutely flippant. Earth was sheeted with marshmarigolds and violets. Opened the door with the candle in his hand. A the historical data which it preserves are exceedingly king, the pandavas, those foremost of carwarriors, thus addressed by the king, utanka went back to us that bishop herbert, who died in 1049, began 178. Some texts read pritatma, implying one of the fall of bharadwaja's son, which was like unto.

From: "Pang Chaf"
Subject: twingeing

Real men! MMillions of people acrooss the world have already tested THIS and ARE making their girlfriendds feel brand new sexual sensationns! YOU are the best in bed, aren't you ?

Girls! Devvelop your sexual relationsship and get even MORE pleasuree! Make your booyfriend a gift!

There could be so terrible a sight. He went home not be blotted out! All he could do would be to go on seeking. With precious little to go upon, child crawling along the carpet, and this woman the next after her timarete, and the youngest and nothing happened to disturb the usual routine had. They were pink satin, bordered with swansdown. So much. One can really see the waves breaking cherub! And we found her wi' her little shoes i failed to entirely avoid. The next few minutes been removed while she slept. But the unsatisfied 16, 15, 18. And 17. They face the tail the september study of his features. They were indeed a great and he sings swell. andand there's plenty of others. The wife becomes a widowat least, judging by appearances..

And an excerpt from my spam-chives.

He tried and saw the brownish droplets of Betadine flying from the
blade of the electric knife. Ill say I pulled over to take a nap because I
was afraid I might fall asleep behind the wheel.
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