2012 Goal Progress

Jul 06, 2012 09:33

Now that we're almost a week into July, it's time to look at 2012 goal list and evaluate my progress.

0. Get a more stable job or at least turn what I’m doing now into a stable business.
I had a full-time job as a teacher for a few months, but that was temporary in nature due to the school year ending. This means it's time for the shameless plug. Why yes, I am available for work: writing, editing, community management, tutoring, and other exciting things. In the not so far future (I hope) there will be a page on this site for working with me.
1. Rewrite the first 2010 NaNo.
Haven't looked at this at all. Oops.
2. Do some kind of physical activity every day. (I’ve been doing well on this so far, believe it or not.)
I was doing great at this for awhile and then... stopped. Granted, I walked a lot when going out anyway (consequence of not having a car), but unstructured physical activity was my aim here.
3. Launch the first Wikiwrimo Writing Month (February!). I’m writing the page for this right now.
Check! And completed!
4. Be more social outside of NaNo. This may mean (gasp) interacting with non-Wrimos.
This wasn't a quantified goal, but it's definitely safe to say that I've been more social than I was before Nano 2011, both with Wrimos and (gasp) non-Wrimos.
5. Get my finances straightened out.
Still working on this.
6. Do Wikiwrimowrimo, NaNoEdMo, Script Frenzy, Three-Day Novel Contest, and NaNoWriMo. Maybe I’ll do a Camp NaNoWriMo session too if I come up with a plot. (Holy balls, my late winter/early spring is going to be ridiculous.)
Wikiwrimowrimo: Check! NaNoEdMo: Definitely flopped on that one. Script Frenzy: Check and won! The other two have yet to happen. I also attempted Camp NaNo as a rebel but didn't reach 50k. It's the first OLL challenge I haven't finished, but to be fair I wasn't doing it the pure way anyway, so I'm fine with it as long as I can get a hold of the certificate and winner icons for Wikiwrimo purposes. August, maybe?
7. Go on a date. Note that I said go on a date, not get in a relationship. I am perfectly okay with this one date goal.
I can't hear you over my laughter regarding my progress here.
8. Learn to cook better.
I've made a little progress here but am still nowhere near my ideal point. I can flavor things!
9. Install that home server. Also, if I do get a new laptop, finish The Longest Journey and install Linux From Scratch on the old one. Because I can. :D
Haven't worked on any of this.
10. Read 25 books I haven’t read before.
Guess who decided to read the Game of Thrones series this year? I started in mid-January and am halfway through the second book. In July. Part of me is tempted to give up so I can move on to other books, but that's its own post.

So all in all... I haven't made as much progress on writing this year as desired, but 2012 hasn't been bad so far. More hours in a day would be great. There's a Kickstarter campaign for that, right?

goals, life

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