Driving instructors

May 16, 2009 17:13

Anyone in south-west Birmingham have recent experience of a good driving instructor or firm? I'm looking to book some refresher lessons - may start off in an automatic just to get some road-sense back, and I'm not looking to pay as much as £20 an hour, but the ones I've found so far below this price only have manual cars. Although that's what I'd be using once I'm a few lessons in, I'd prefer to start off in an automatic just to get a feel for being back on the road, and because I do live in a rather busy (road-wise) area.

But price is probably the biggest factor, next to someone being a decent instructor. Though I was originally taught to drive by a convicted murderer who had served his time in jail then found christianity and liked to sing along to gospel during lessons, so I guess I'm prepared for anything on that front!

Any recommendations welcomed!
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