In an effort to move towards clearing some space in my house prior to moving, I realise I'll have to make some headway into drinking up my beer and wine collection, currently taking over all available shelfspace in the garage. While this gives me mild panic, as I'm a hoarder and love to know I have beers for any occasion stored, I know I should also embrace the chance to be drinking them too :-)
So, tonight I have decided the theme will be Mini Amercian beer fest, and I shall share some of the American microbrewery beers with my partner-in-imbibing. To accompany, we'll be having fajitas with beef marinaded in spices, lime and rum; salsa & sourcream; a black bean mash with crumbled goats cheese; and mushroom, pepper and chilli rice. Hopefully. If it all works. If it doesn't, we'll have nachos with cheese!
Beers for the drinking:
Sierra Nevada Pale AleBrooklyn East India Pale AleFlying Dog Snake Dog IPAGoose Island IPAGreat Divide Titan IPA Left Hand JuJu GingerLeft Hand Black Jack PorterRogue Brutal Bitter