Jan 09, 2008 23:20
Wow, just read some good news before heading off to bed - it is proposed that battery farming in England would be outlawed by 2012, and it looks like the government are going to push ahead with this legislation. That is surely a Good Thing.
I used to work on a farm from the ages of 9 to 12, and my main job was to look after the hen feeding & egg collection from battery cages. It was pretty grim conditions all round - the hens pecked each other out of boredom and distress so most of them were stripped of feathers in patches, stood all day on wire grills, and when occasionally eggs were ...
... you know I was going to go into more graphic detail but my journal isn't a place for perceived ranting or putting people off their breakfasts.
Anyway if in the whole of England it was against the law to produce eggs (and hopefully chicken meat) this way, that would be a fantastic example of the government leading a change for the better, rather than leaving it down to consumer/supermarket 'choice'.
Off for dreams about happy hens now.