(no subject)

May 06, 2010 16:18

 is it really only 4 o'clock? seriously? what the hell. i feel like i've been at work for seventeen hours.

it's been a harrowing week. on sunday night my lower front teeth started to hurt. it felt like i'd been punched in the face. the next day, it hurt so badly that i couldn't drink anything cold or really brush the teeth there. by tuesday, i was afraid to drink ANYTHING because of the crippling pain. i saw a dentist, who was like "well, if it's the nerve dying, you're going to need a root canal." guys, i don't have dental insurance.

actually, i apparently don't have insurance at all. remember how my work paid for me extra so i could buy some crappy health insurance? yeah, i decided to go to the site and see if i could add dental.  THE SITE WAS GONE. like, it doesn't exist any more. i called the number. no one picked up. i called the agent who sold me the insurance and left a message. never heard back. i think it was a scam. i was never insured at ALL. they signed me up for some cheap prescription discount card and some other "medical discount" type things, which aren't insurance. so, that was upsetting. plus my mouth was still hurting.

then i got a text from my friend Amber. apparently Kelly, a girl who was a columnist for me when i was Viewpoint editor, is now the editor of the Bruin Standard. The Standard is a mix of conservative political news and total and utter bullshit. In her editor's note this month, she called out the Bruin for giving her such a hard time while she was there, making her find sources for her pro-life bullshit column (verifying facts! the horror!), and making fun of an editor (not me) for spelling something wrong in a note he left on her story. in the next sentence, she misspelled "allegiance." and then she called anthony fat. no, seriously. she did.

i had considered kelly a decent writer and, more importantly, a friend. i was sad when she left the Bruin, but I understood - the Standard has a grant so they can pay their writers. but i was really hurt by her column. the Bruin paid for a professional journalist to come and train her. I spent my time editing her columns and developing her story ideas and sticking up for her when people in copy were like "this is too conservative." she didn't even mention me in the column, which reminds me of the Oscar Wilde quote: "the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about." i was her editor at the Bruin and she couldn't be bothered to mention that i was supportive. she also called us arrogant and condescending. and the Bruin was my home and family for three years, so that hurt a lot too.

long story short, i ended up weeping in the dentist's office. i called anthony and told him about what happened; he took it a lot better than i did. he was like "she can suck it, also i was kind of fat back then." STILL. like i said, i was hurt on behalf of the bruin and him and just hurt as a person. it was an icky thing to do and she really can suck it.

i composed myself and made it through the rest of the day. joe invited me to come to his place for the night and i said i'd drive over after Glee. he texted me saying i was "kind of pre-empting him for TV" and i fired back "well i've had a terrible day and this is my favorite show and if you're so upset about it i just won't come over!" but we sorted it out and i went to his place... where i broke down in heartfelt sobs freaking out about how i was going to pay for a root canal. like, legitimately having a nervous breakdown about it.

but the next day - wednesday - i felt much better. literally, my tooth didn't hurt as much. i was like, well, either it's not a dead tooth and it's healing from a minor infection or something, or the tooth is totally dead and omg how am i going to pay for a root canal." but i also felt better about just everything. i haven't had a good cry in a long time - not since i started at this company. sometimes having a good cry is like, well, going to the dentist: it's not pleasant, but you have to do it at least once or twice a year.

today i had a followup appointment with the dentist. my tooth is feeling much better. and fantastic news: I DO NOT NEED A ROOT CANAL. he said i need a deep planing and scaling, which is a gross and painful procedure where they enter the void between my gums and what's left of my teeth and scrape all the crap out because apparently my mouth is so bad that regular brushing and flossing aren't enough. but whatever, i can hopefully put that off until i can either find dental insurance or go back on my mom's (january).

like i said, harrowing week.
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