Part of the
Library Challenge.
Proposed by:
johnckirkBook: Cambridge Latin Course Book 1 (4th ed.)
Shelfmark: BOD X.07.D00026 bk 1
Reading Room: Radcliffe Camera Upper Reading Room
John requested that I read this with leaves in my hair, and I can confirm that I currently have an ivy leaf stuck in the left arm of my glasses. Photographic evidence will be forthcoming when I get to a bluetooth pc. I read the first 3 sections before getting bored, skipping the language bits and just reading the culture notes. I have learned some latin now though (nominative and accusative cases, and some vocab).
The reading room is nice, but it's a bit noisy. Lots of people coming and going and whispering. The ceiling is very pretty though, and the wireless connection is excellent (plus all the desks have 3 pin points should you need them). The windows are very small so the view is quite disappointing.
Edit: photo below. I should add that this was (I think) the first time I've ordered anything from the Cheshire salt mines (also known as "BOD offsite"), and it went impressively smoothly.