Apr 20, 2005 16:09
Having one of those weeks when lots of negative energy is around. So I did something positive. I ripped literally the old yucky landscaping timber frames out from around my two front flower beds. Felt a little better but yard not looked blah. Off the the store with a set budget. For about 50$ bought two different types of borders. One is a plastic stone wall that actually looks real. Put this around the flower bed along the front windows. The other border is a wavy plastic individual pieces that link together. Put this border around the bed with the rose bush. While doing laundry found a 20$ bill so back to store again this time for the two concrete statues a St Francis and a Mary that I admired. Beds look decentnow still something missing but taking a break. Feel better and have lots more postitive energy around. Now to find the missing element. A stone bench?? maybe if I can find one cheaply. A bird bath? Yea that would be nice but back to the budget issue again Oh well it will happen when it is meant to happen. Off to cook spagetti and meatballs for dinner. Boy I am going to be stiff and sore in the am.