Title: “Island in the Sun”
Genre: Angst
Rating: G (General)
Pairing: Susan/Caspian
Word Limit: 100 words; word count: 99.
Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended and I’m not gaining any profit from this story, I’m only having fun with C.S. Lewis’s fantastic world and characters.
Author’s Notes: I wrote this as a response to the first prompt that’s being held at 100foraslan; the topic is “sleeping in” with my favourite ship which is of course Susan/Caspian. Although this time, the story takes place during The Voyage of the Dawn Treader after Chapter 12: “The Dark Island” where Caspian and his crew briefly sail where dreams come true (hence where “sleeping in” comes into play). It was never mentioned what Caspian saw so I thought I’d write my own interpretation.
The title was inspired by the song of the same name by Weezer.
Movie-verse (since I picture Ben Barnes and Anna Popplewell). Not beta-ed.
Summary: But watching stars without you // My soul cried…
I'm terribly sorry but for some strange reason I can't make lj-cuts work for me in this computer... I'm trying to figure out what's going on so in the meantime, I'm posting the links where you can find the story in my Journal or also in Fanfiction.net.
http://mase992.livejournal.com/1723.html http://www.fanfiction.net/secure/live_preview.php?storyid=4388697&chapter=1 I hope you enjoy this short drabble :) and please leave a comment (or review, either way).