IC Results // Tribal Council Results

Feb 15, 2012 20:24

Welcome, Survivors

We'll get right down to it - Ben was eliminated from the challenge 2 minutes in as he left the chat room. Drew followed suit a couple hours later by accidently closing the chat room leaving just Bryan and Jamie to duke it out. Both were convinced they needed immunity to stay in the game and in the end, after over 3 hours of competing, Bryan won immunity. We held a live Tribal Council as everyone was still in the chat room and by a vote of 3-1 Jamie became the 12th person to leave Survivor: Gobi Desert. Jamie, you may leave any final words as a comment to this post. The chat, in its 3+ hour entirety, can be found in segments as comments to this post.

Our FINAL IMMUNITY CHALLENGE will be posted tomorrow evening. A Tree Mail will be posted during the day to let you know what time it will be posted. This will be a non-live challenge.

slj18, immunity challenge results, tribal council, tribal council results

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