Immunity Challenge

Feb 15, 2012 14:59

Welcome, Survivors

By the time you are reading this I've gathered you all into our Survivor chat room. What you didn't know upon entering is that once you stepped inside the chat room you cannot leave. This challenge will test your endurance and could end quickly or could take hours. That will depend on how badly you want immunity. While in the chat room you are free to discuss anything you'd like. However, it is important you keep an eye on the room because every so often, at random times, I will post "SWITCH FOOTING" and everyone left in the challenge will need to respond with "SWITCH FOOTING" within one minute. This one minute will be timed off the AIM time on my chat room. If you fail to respond in time then you are out of the challenge. Additionally, if you leave the room for any reason, you are out of the challenge. We don't want to hear excuses: your computer crashed, it froze, you had to check on something, etc. We don't care. Commit to this challenge and you'll win. Fail to commit and you could be the next to go.


Questions may be asked in the chat room. The entire chat will be posted as comments within the results post later today.

UPDATE 1: At 5:30 the challenge is still going. There are two survivors left in the challenge.

im, slj18

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