APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED - Until September 15th 00:00 GMT
RESERVES ARE OPEN - Until September 14th 23:59 GMT
Game Opens: OCTOBER 1ST, 2011
Things with * beside them, are a work in progress.
Main |
Log |
Character Info* |
Residential* |
Crack |}
Game Information
Premise* |
F.A.Q.* |
Rules |}
NPCs |
Creatures* |
Calendar* |}
Potential Players
{| Taken:
#, A-M or
N-Z |
Reserves |}
{| Applications: {
Canon} |
Wish List |}
Maps & Housing
Overview |}
Area 1 |
Area 2 |
Area 3 |
Area 4 |}
Vermilion |
Alice |
Jigoku-Ken* |
Oasis |
Serenity |
Jail* |
Flotsam* |
Catacombs* |}
Current Players
In Character Guides:
Personal Story Recorder (PSR) Guide* |}
Survival Handbook |}
Air Lifts* |}
OOC Situation Requests:
Death* |
Update/Reset/Regress |
Make A Wish* |}
Activity Check |
Status Levels* |
Jobs |}
Hiatus |
Drops |}
Suggestions For:
Supply Crates |
The Game |
Events |}
#Player Chat & Mod Contact:
Moderator AIM |
Survival Network's AIM Chatroom |}
Plurk |
Twitter |
Formspring |
Facebook |
E-Mail* |}
*Please don't take the subject out of the e-mail or we may lose your question by accident!