Yes indeed, this Pipos beauty arrived 26th of February (a bit over a week ago) and I wasn't expecting it so soon! I didn't even know Pipos had shipped my order until I got a text message from UPS that I have a package coming in the next few days. Pipos never send me e-mail that they shipped my doll.
Even though my Peak's Woods and Pipos orders came so close to each other they actually had several months, almost 6 months, in between ordering. PW order just took forever to ship because EMS and covid situation. The Pipos order came with EMS Premium too so very high shipping costs!
I took box opening pictures with my cell phone when I got the doll but took another set of photos later with my actual camera and since those photos are a lot better I'll only post those.
There will be lots of naked resin behind the cut so don't click if that bothers you!
Here she is, Pipos Charlotte in mint skin!
I also ordered a white resin tail for my Dollmore Catish Reaa who didn't have a tail of her own. It's quite big but I hope it will suit her when I have the chance to try it on.
Besided that tail, I ordered a tail for Charlotte (the beast parts are optional) and the old beast hands.
She's on the new art body which has a neck joint. The body poses really well and the neck joint is awesome! She's a bit more booby than I normally like but I'm really happy I ordered the art body (there isn't a small breast option with the new body).
The human hands are really delicate and beautiful but I just prefer my anthros with beast claws if they have those.
The thing that did upset me a bit was that she didn't come with certificate of authenticity nor the new slimmer beast hands that were supposed to come with the doll. -_- I did contact Pipos about the missing parts right away and about week later they finally answered me and said they will send them to me. So eventually I will get them! I think it's very important to have the CoA of your doll since there are recasts around and when you pay for the actual product you want to have a certificate as a proof.
Beast claws! *_*
She doesn't have her own eyes, wig, face-up, clothes or a name yet! xD But I will start working with those as soon as I finish my PW girl first. I've just had a bit of hard time lately since my new job is giving me awful migraines even it's just a part time job. My life force is just very drained at the moment.
A comparison picture to show how similar the two resin colours of my two new dolls are!
Peak's Woods emerald green skin and Pipos mint skin.
I love them both but I think I like the PW resin a bit more since the green is just so so pretty. But I'm happy with both!
I will compare both colours with my other green/blue skinned bjd's when I have all of my dolls in one place again. It seems our temporary living in this current apartment will last until the end of the year when we finally move to a better apartment. It will be a long wait but hopefully worth it.