Why I hate people: reason #5

Oct 16, 2009 23:16

Yesterday morning on the bus, some cunt punched me in the head! While it was (probably) accidental, she punched me really hard, and didn't even attempt to apologize!

I was sitting, and as the cunt was walking past me, she was flailing her arms about (what the fuck was that all about?!), and her fist hit me really hard, just above my eye (thank fucking goodness she missed my eye!). It was very painful, and at first I thought I had a cut, because the area she had hit me stung quite a bit, and it hurt for a good half an hour, at least. (There's a small red mark where she hit me.)

When she hit me, she didn't even seem to notice and just continued walking past me (WTF? How can you not notice that you punched someone in the face?!). She only looked back a few moments later, when I exclaimed out in shock and pain, and all she said was, "Oh!" I realize that accidents happen, and I wouldn't be so pissed off if she had apologized!

why i hate people

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