12 Kegs and My Band!!!!

Oct 26, 2003 14:39

Update....I have been a good boy all weekend.....All I did was walk to the local bad cover band bar to catch up with old friends from my teenage years. Its funny how everything and everybody changes. I was supposed to go see slayer lastnight but everyone backed out at the last min for this and that reason. I didn't wanna go by myself.....so that sucked. Once I realized I wasn't gonna make it to slayer I just hid from everyone and everything for the next 18 or so hours. I sat and played.....I thought about nicole when I ran across old pics of her. Made me wonder why I was sitting alone on the weekend. Sometimes I am the most alone person I know....I bring it on myself by trying too hard.....I do not like "the game" mostly because I don't play it well. Not sure about that one either. Maybe thats why I love to preform so much.....becasue ironically enough on stage you are more alone than ever...I have everyones attention but I don't have to get to know anyone. Then these girls.....these girls that have these flattering nick names for me that they don't think I her them say. They all always just assume that I am wasted too because most everyone else is. Then when I try and talk to those same girls they are so damn shy that they act rude.....they blow me off because they don't know what to say and I end up sitting alone at my own party.....again.
Well I bet that dosent happen saturday because I have a gig lined up and the host of this party I am playing tells me that they will have 12 kegs and are expecting no less than 300 people.
Im going to rock and they will love it. Maybe that night I will find a cutie with a septum ring to talk too......now thats a nice thought :)
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