Jul 03, 2006 20:17
Last night, my notebook computer crashed. The disk started clicking, and it went to a blue screen, and then wouldn't load windows on reboot.
I took it into the shop today. I paid to have the hard disk backed up, but I'm not sure they'll be able to.
So, I've been doing a mental inventory of what I'll be out if I have to go to my most recent back up (which would be the files left on my old desk top before I got the notebook in December). To a large extent, I'll be only out things that I can find again. I will be out a lot of music I downloaded off the Beloit Ituns network, but I can find that stuff again in the fall. I'll be out a lot of pictures, but my favoraits are either on Flickr, or still on my SD card. I'd be out some school stuff, a couple drafts of my resume, and some misc writings... then it hit me:
Back in May I wrote a poem. Actually a couple of poems, but only one I was really proud of. It needed a little more work, but it was almost exactly what I wanted it to be. It had exactly the right emotional impact, and mood, and language, and I never printed it out, I never posted it to my LJ, and now it may be gone.