
Nov 10, 2011 21:04


So I'm still around. You know how when you get out of the habit of doing something, it is crazy hard to get it back into your routine? That's what is happening here. And to be honest, I would probably just continue ignoring LJ for a while, and I might after I write this, to be honest, but for now I need some help that maybe blogging can satisfy. Certainly better than placing stickers on things, I imagine. But I can do that too, so no loss. Tomorrow I have an up to 5 page essay to write about something and I don't even know how to start it and it is very frustrating.

The essay is about this core we have from, coincidentally enough, close to my home. It's about one hundred feet, stored in two foot sections, five to a box, ten boxes in total. It is all limestone and it all looks the same to me, but it traces the transgression and regression of the ancient epeiric sea that was once most of North America. I could write about that, I understand that process like it is my job, but since everyone knows it and my professor talked about it in the assignment sheet, I actually have to talk specifically about what this core says. Which is difficult. I know it has a lot of calcite in it, since it's a limestone and when you put (weak) hydrochloric acid on it it fizzes like a mother. Some places it fizzes better than others. These would be places that have a ton of calcite. Others barely fizz at all. I'd say they have pretty much no calcite. I am sure there is a ton of dolomite and some aragonite here too, since all the literature says so. Sometimes there are dark layers, sometimes it is just a massive block of light grey stuff, sometimes it is yellowy (that'd be the dolomite, actually.) Sometimes the grains are larger, sometimes the grains fall off if you rub your finger against them, and they would all crumble if soaked in a cup of water in order to try and get them cleaned up so you can see what the hell they look like, dammit. At least that last part is probably true; I only tested it once quietly when no one was looking and put the chunks back into the box as quickly as I could. Other pieces, on the other hand, look like they would make a fine primitive weapon. One piece about six inches long and the size of my wrist had this layer stuck to the bottom of it that made it look just like a burning cigarette; I entertained the idea of posing with it but the grad student who's office I was in probably wouldn't appreciate my unique sense of humor in that situation, especially if I asked her to take the picture. There are a lot of fossils in it, ad a range of textures, and other things to look at in thin section.

...And that's about all I know about this core sample.

Oh, and my essay is due in about... oh..13 hours.

And as a bonus, nobody I've talked to knows what to do with this assignment anymore than I do. Excellent.

...So yeah... I still got nothing. I'll probably just talk about trans/regression in great detail or something. Who cares. I hate this class. And oh how I love Kele Okereke's voice. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOvZ8ln1riQ&feature=related And yes I am procrastinating. It's what I do best. Today I spent probably three hours on Doodle or Die. The only thing keeping me from it now is the knowledge that I will get nothing done if I do. I might as well just not turn anything in at that point. Fucking class. I hate it. Have I mentioned I hate Sedimentology/ Stratigraphy? Because I do. I am not interesting in oil or coal generally and I honestly feel at this point in my life that I don't give a damn about any other sedimentary things. Rivers are cool, sure. I'll keep them. Whatever. Fuck.

But I do feel a little loosened up now that I've wrote all this. Okay, let's do this shit.

my major sucks, geology, procrastination to the max, sed/strat

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