
Sep 12, 2011 13:36

Saturday our university played our rivals, and the game was here this year. The population increased dramatically for about 36 hours, and they were all in Campustown. Trying to navigate that place was hell. But go just a block into campus and all you saw were Asians. It was kind of excellent, actually.

I was awoken by a handful of fighter jets who must have skimmed over the stadium and then flew directly out over Romulo's house, in order to scare the shit out of anyone who had the audacity to not care about the game. It worked. My facebook feed was choked with updates from both sides, which was kind of annoying since nobody actually ever posted the score. Romulo and I went to the university book store to buy some things I needed for my fieldtrip yesterday morning and saw we were leading by a point then. I then locked myself in the Mineralogy lab, working and waiting for my friend to come. She became distracted by the game and texted me updates while I tried to identify bifringence how it's different than interference color, but not, since one uses the other, but what?

We won, by the way. For the first time in either three or five or a thousand years, I'm not sure. It was also the first time that the rivalry game went into Triple Overtime, which is quite a feat, as I understand it. I tried to explain to Romulo how often this happens. It'd be about as likely as me admitting that, in hindsight, it was a really exciting game, and maybe I should have gone or at least watched.

That is to say, never.

The Sed/Strat field trip was quite nice, even though it was at eight, the same time as our lectures are, and I caught myself thinking about how I needed to read my assignment before Mineralogy this afternoon. Thinking Sunday is Monday is never ever pleasant. I walked all over the place in rubber boots, looking at rock formations with the other fifteen people in my class. A sedimentologist I am not. I think most of us felt that way, to be honest. Nobody left the state park with stars in their eyes, basically. But it was relaxing to be out there amongst nature, and be able to enjoy it since it wasn't too hot, and there weren't too many bugs.

A pretty extraordinary day, really. It was beautiful. I enjoyed the morning outdoors, then went home, took a shower, met Romulo, had lunch, went to his house, and passed out for two hours. Apparently the nature hike, multiple bike rides, full stomach, and another mile long bike ride was just too much.

Then I woke up and read about Sedimentology for another three hours. I'M SICK OF SEDIMENTOLOGY. Then Romulo came home with me, we made a dinner from a box and opened a can of fresh peaches, both of which he raved about, and then we sat and talked for two hours about anything and everything. That was the best evening we had had in a while.

So the next couple of weeks are getting to be the time for first exams. I have one on Friday, one on Wednesday afterward, and then another on Monday after that. Class is getting boring, mostly, but I'm determined to stay on track this year, so help me Jefferson Davis. I cope by quoting random youtube videos at my roommates and repeating idiotic jokes with Elisse, who I see on nearly a daily basis now.  Life is exciting and glamorous as always.

I'm hoping the guy upstairs won't be so noisy tonight. Maybe.

1. Tending to put off what ought to be done at once; given to procrastination.

2. Marked by procrastination or delay; intended to cause delay; -- said of actions or measures.

class, sports, weekend update, woes

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