Oh god.
My room looks like someone broke in and trashed it. How does this happen? It looks nice for an hour and then- destruction. I'll need to find some time this week to clean it, I guess. Today I took the time to clean the bathroom, and might I say it looks pretty fan-fucking-tastic. And it smells clean, double win.
So a storm rolled in at about four this morning and became most intense at five. That is when it woke me up, scaring the bejeesus out of me. I then laid in bed for a while listening to it before I fell back asleep.
...And knew nothing until noon. What the hell, noon?! How did I even do that?! I was so upset that I slept the whole morning away. But I guess it is to be expected since i didn't go to bed until 1:30. Uhmmmmmyeah. That makes sense, I guess.
Anyway, I got up, ate breakfast, talked to my mother, took a shower, and then filed my FAFSA finally. I'll get more money this year than last year, hooray! I am ever so glad about that, money is always helpful, even if I'll be paying it back until I die. Oh well.
This afternoon at three Andrew came over and he attempted to tutor me in the ways of Trigonometry. It makes more sense now, I suppose. When I went and took the exam I scored a 60%, which is (sadly) my highest score yet. :S I'm going to hit the Math help room this week, along with Chemistry SI sessions. This shit is ridiculous.
But Geology is going well. This past week in lab we had an activity about isopachs (areas of sedimentary deposits that are of the same thickness. One of the TA's in the past - Collin, my instructor for Geo 100 lab - had made this really corny assignment. It was called 'Collin's Corny (or Awesome) Assignment. What was it, you ask?
Just pretend that you asked.
Well, here's the description. "You have been hired by Lord Elrond to determine the precise location of an ancient sea that once covered much of Middle Earth. A fellowship of hobbits, elves, dwarves and men is at your disposal and have drilled a series of 13 (because they are suspersitious) cores, and provided you with the data for the rocks of interest."
So basically I got to draw lines on a map of Middle Earth. The ancient sea covered all of the interior up until southern Gondor and Mordor, and the Shire was an ancient island (this we know because they have no deposits there.) Because, you know, they are Hobbits and don't do what the rest of the world does.
It took Dana about ten minutes to do it; me, longer because I marked up a sheet of paper and needed a new one.
So yeah, that class is going well.
Chemistry will go better once I get more scores in the book other than the F I got on my first exam. And the Library 160 final is tomorrow, I almost forgot. And Algebra is a breeze, hardly worth getting worked up about. This week I'll study my ass off and be awesome. But tonight I'll sleep.
After my exam, I went to the library and found Rom in the Mandatory Quiet room. We left, came to my apartment, made Rice-a-roni, and watched the end of Terminator 3 and Star Wars episode II. I guess it is to make up for our not having finished the two movies we started on Friday night.
Ugh, I don't want classes already. I'd like a three day weekend now, please. Oh well, Spring break is soon...