
Jan 30, 2011 12:01

Friday night was an odd night. After waiting for Rom for hours while he finished working, packed, had a friend stop by unexpectedly, and ran to WalMart, he finally came at 9:30. I am not a very patient person by anyone's estimation and was a little frustrated when he finally showed up, but several apologies and hugs later I felt better. I later told him I wouldn't forgive him until he brought me home five llamas and a ring "made of gold and babies tears." I had to add the babies tears on the end because when I said a ring, he looked at me sheepishly and said "I had thought about a ring, actually..." then I felt weird. I mean, I know it'd just be a ring and that makes sense since one of Peru's biggest industries is mining, so there is bound to be metalworkers and such. Still, the idea of a guy I've been dating for a month giving me a ring made me feel giddy inside. Thus brain disengaged and random words were allowed to fall out of my mouth. "Babies tears? How am I supposed to find that?!"

We didn't do too much Friday night. We were both hungry, so we sat in front of the television and ate some pizza, a lot of toast, and some peaches. The man pulled a jar of Nutella out of his backpack and handed it to me. I ate a ton of it yesterday. It's official, I love it. While channel surfing I found the Phoenix Suns playing the Boston Celtics and Red Dwarf. The episode that was on was Polymorph, one of the most famous episodes, and I watched it while he attempted to call home. Of course he didn't think of the time and his parents were in bed already.

That episode has a scene were Lister has inadvertently put on a pair of boxers that are actually the Polymorph in disguise and starts freaking out when he realises. He yells at Kryten to help get them off while he flops around on the floor in agony. Kryten kneels down and is attempting to help when Rimmer walks in behind them and it looks very compromising. Rom said goodbye to his mom about the time that Lister started yelling, and looked up from his computer in time to see what appeared to be Kryten giving Lister the ride of his life. "WHAT? WHAT IS THIS? YOU WATCH THIS?"

Then he was able to give it his full attention, but I doubt it made much sense. Especially when I was trying to explain the plot of the show to him. "So this guy, he's dead, he's a hologram. And that guy is the last human in the universe, maybe. And that guy's Cat." "Cat? He's a cat?" "He's, well... so Lister and Rimmer were on this mining ship called Red Dwarf and Lister had a pregnant cat..."

After a while the episode was over and I gave up. We went upstairs, talked for a while, watched Land of the Lost so that I could finally know what happens, (the giant mosquito was upsetting to me for some reason) and we continued debating about Matt Lauer.

Somewhere around two yesterday morning we fell asleep. Then his alarm clock went off at 7:30. He jumped up and took a shower; I laid in bed for another hour and only responded when he gave me a hot cup of tea. We grabbed any last minute things, bundled up, and went outside, catching the bus to the MU to meet his shuttle to Des Moines. And at about 9:14 we walked out the doors, met a guy in a van, had a quick good-bye kiss, then he disappeared inside and I walked back across campus.

It was probably confusing to my roommates, who saw me walk in at 9:30 fully dressed. I went into my room, collapsed into bed until 12:30, listening to Krysta watch tv in the living room too loudly but not really caring too much. Finally I reappeared in my old ratty pajamas feeling much refreshed.

I then spent yesterday afternoon on Facebook and trying to study Trig. I started out feeling pretty good. Maybe I can teach myself this? Then in the span of about ten minutes I realised that I don't stand a chance. I took a shower, tried to focus, failed, talked to Tom on facebook for a while, thought about beautiful brown eyes, and was generally miserable. I texted Reed for assistance on Trig and ended up going over at seven.

As usual it was just madness there. Brett, Derek, Carly and some other person were playing Katan in the living room; Reed had his tv on to the SyFy channel while his computer was open to his physics homework. I love those people, those nerds. We thought about Trig, then went and started watching something on the interwebs. After a while Brett came in declaring he had won Katan. After talking for a while he said "We need to go shopping simetime. I need food." Then we looked at each other, eyebrows arched. We all slipped shoes on and pulled on our coats, told everyone we'd be back later, and ran to Fairway.

Morgan has a package of Nabisco Pinwheels that taste like they may have been stored next to something they shouldn't have been but are still delicious.

Afterward we went back across town, had Chinese food, and discussed opening the Sake back at the apartment. When we arrived the population in the living room had increased and Brett got sucked into a drinking game with them. Reed and I, who both fail to understand the point, considered Trig some more, watched Red Green, and then watched Doctor Who afterward (It was Midnight. Reed said "But it's only eleven." I only just now about ten seconds ago understand why he said that. FAIL.) Then we did something for a while, including but not limited to "Fuck you, I'm an Anteater," "Hate that guy!" "I Fucking Love Cocaine!" and several other internet memes that culminated in watching DBZ Abridged. Finally it was one, and I walked past a group of drunk people listening to Queen and went to my dark apartment.

This morning arrived too soon. Now I have to go to the computer lab and study for Trig. Then I have to take the exam. Hopefully I will then have time to study some more and retake it, maybe even twice. Andrew will come and join me at three, which is great since I miss him. Before seven I hope that I have achieved a good score so that I can run back here and maybe take a shower. But if it's too close, I'll just run over to the MU, where I am meeting my friend Rivka and probably Brett and Reed to watch the free movie this week. I don't think any of us really want to see The Social Network a whole lot, but I have to admit I am somewhat intrigued. And it's Justin Timberlake. I mean, I hated that guy in N*sync (mainly because he wasn't Lance) but seeing how ten years later he's still around and the only notable thing Lance has done is come out, I've gain a new appreciation for Justin.

That and i love SexyBack.

Anyway, the computer lab opens in four minutes. I'm in my pajamas. I need to brush my teeth, get my clothes out of the dryer, pack a lunch, take out the recycling, and get across campus. So I'll cut this off.

Only eight more days...

Urbane: Notably polite or polished in manner.

friends, weekend update, rom

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