First off, thank you to Gadget who shamed herself (okay, I may have done some blackmail) into making this for me.
Her prompt was Tenth Doctor Skateboarding. Make it extreme. And cute. Mostly extreme. I believe she said she would make it for me since I had the "I injured myself" excuse. Was she mocking me? Probably. But I don't mind. I wish when people poked fun at me it was always this adorable. Also, she is a mind reader. I almost wrote back to correct, saying that she should make it the eighth Doctor since I know she likes him infinitely better, but she managed to make it about him anyway. But seriously, look at that hair. She did great. Thank you much.
So my leg is swollen huge. Like, my calf is starting to bruise and swell too. For about the thousandth time I have wished it hadn't happened. But I got that awesome armband thing from the hospital, so I guess it is alright. I have actually signed up for a psych research study tomorrow afternoon and they say "don't sign up if you have a history of fainting." I don't have a history of it, I did it once. The fact that it happened eariler this week has nothing to do with it. I am going to try it out and if they decide I am not eligible then I think I still get credit for trying. I hope, anyway.
So I forget who posted the link, but someone I follow on Twitter sent me to the website with which I am super amazed and in love with. I am not sure I get the point, other than there is a retro picture of some famous man (often quite handsome indeed) and underneath links to amazon so you can order his clothes. Or something close to his clothes. It's brilliant. I have fallen love in with young! Ian McKellen, for instance. (And there is an AMAZING picture of
Donovan on page 6 - check it.)
PS why does David Bowie perpetually look like he is suffering from
brain damage in his old pictures? I mean, it's an interesting look, but how did he do it? I've always been intrigued.
I also spent about an hour on three math problems. That weren't hard. I just kept making bad mistakes. Thus why I spent so much time on NB.
So I was reading the police blotter in the newspaper today trying to find out anything about the supposed fight above us. I didn't glean any enlightenment, but I did find this: A Vehicle that was reported stolen on Nov. 7 was located by the owner. He stated he had simply forgotten where he parked his car.
Bet he is happy they didn't publish his name.
And today was the campus wide "Where's Waldo?" game that I didn't participate in. If you found him, he posed for a picture and gave you a sticker saying so. People were encouraged to also dress like him (but not the entire costume) but I didn't see one person out in a striped sweater. So disappointing. My friend Kathy posed with him, while my other friend Dana contented herself with snapping a picture of him from the distance. I would have liked to looked for him but I pretty much felt miserable all day. It was cold, I hurt everywhere, and was generally out of the mood to do something fun. I retook a math exam instead.
But now it's twenty to midnight and I am left wondering how the hell I didn't make it to bed at ten like I wanted to. At this point I might as well say chuff it and stay up until twelve just to do it. Why not.
Nerd Boyfriend, here I come... wait.
Sacerdotal: Of or relating to priests; priestly. O.O Weird.