Why hello my lovelies. How are you today? I rejoin you from the desk in my apartment, which is where I need to be on a Saturday night.
Need to be, dammit.
And already I realise that I'm way too tired and loopy to do this. So let's say fuck it and do it anyway. Okay?
So I turned off my light last night five minutes before people stumbled in. I heard man's voices, then the television came on, and I promptly put a pillow on top of my head, turned toward the wall, and fell asleep. This being at 2AM ish. I received a text at 8 from the school telling me something I didn't need to know, I don't remember, and couldn't get back to sleep. I finally gave up, took a shower, and started to fill out scholarships online.
I read a six page essay on fire sprinklers. I feel like an expert on the subject. I also realise that the Ayn Rand essay on Atlas Shrugged is due in three weeks. Sure, I can read it, figure out what it is about, and write an amazing paper on it, no problem.
...If I were on crack.
Eventually I became hungry, so I nommed a bowl of cereal. At that time my roommate next to me went to another roommates room and told her to get up. I went back to my room and when I came out, they were both laying around the living room, as were two guys I had never seen before in my life. They had presence of mind to say "hey, is there anything else we need for the apartment?" and I was tempted to say "No, but I know we could do without four beer cans in our sink since you guys are all a year younger than me." But I didn't. Instead I said "A disk rack would be nice" and left.
See? Tact, I has it.
I went and met my DIS team for lunch. Mary was in good spirits and wanted to check out Panda Express. She ordered mixed vegetables and steamed rice, letting me eat some of her rice since the guy gave her enough to found a small Asian country. (I'd call it Morganland and only have belly dancers and trained elephants) It made me miss Anne, but then I realised, hey, I've potentially got a new Anne! Then I missed Anne even more because, hey, you can't replace that.
After lunch my leader, Aaron, walked me to meet my Learning Community's meeting place four our field trip. A couple hours was spent tromping around in the Skunk river, getting covered in mosquitoes despite the spray, getting my shoes swamped, and free lunch of barbeque. I ate far too much and was slightly uncomfortable, but I met some of the others and it was great. I even got a free tshirt that I kind of actually love. It has a picture of the globe on the back and says "From the Stratosphere to the core, we've got you covered: Earth, Wind and Fire Learning Community." If you hadn't guess, we're the Department of Geological & Atmospheric Sciences.
Afterwards I had a a ton of sand in my shoes and was incredibly uncomfortable. I trudged back to my apartment without my bike since I was closer to home than it. My second shower of the day was very welcome, but was right in the middle of my roommates trying to get ready to go out for the night. Oh, darn. I then became the first to use our washing machine, washing all my dirty jeans and tshirts. I then realised I had to leave earlier since I didn't have my bike. And I realised it takes far too damned long to walk across campus. I missed my bike.
I eventually met my teammates who had just eaten supper. We walked off and joined all our closest friends, all several hundred of them, to wait in line until 8.30. The comedian Jeff Dye was performing at 9. I didn't know who he was at all, but looked forward to it. Waiting outside a handful of frisbees were being tossed about, frightening unexpecting people and eliciting applause when they were caught. One landed next to a girl on a elevated platform queue (I realise that this doesn't really make sense since you don't know what it looks like) and she decided to use it as a fan. The outside of this building is set up that you can practically see the whole thing from every point, and she was fully visible to us all.
It started with a few people here and there going 'throw it!' and her not noticing.
It ended with at least a quarter of the crowd doing a cheer and her giving everyone a dirty look, yelling "NO!" while vigorously fanning herself with it. She got to keep it too, since it was then finally 8.30 and we all rushed forward to get inside. I ended up in a loft, front and center, and there was a video of all us over the last few days, even just earlier that day. There was also a screen that showed texts that people sent to this number. Sadly it was tiny and you had no chance of being able to read it from where we were. Even though I did send a few texts I thought I could make out (BAAAAAAALLS!!!! and ROFLWAFFLES!!!1!ELEVEN!) I only saw one of my texts. They were super backed up and a mess. But the one memorable one was "I JUST LOST THE GAME." I saw about fifty other people who sent that afterward, but the first one actually prompted people all over the auditorium to yell.
Jeff Dye himself was okay. I mean, he was funny, or at least, he wasn't not funny. He had some moments that were just pointless, but by the end I was laughing and enjoying myself. So that's good.
Afterward was Target Sweep. I loaded onto a charter bus to go there for some supposedly awesome deals after hours. I didn't find anything I couldn't live without, but I did get a couple of those new bottles of Coke and a bag of free stuff. The bags were full of essential things - garbage bags, contact solution, coffee creamer- but they were unisex. A couple packs of tampons were given away to girls from the boys on my bus ride back. But I hoarded mine knowing this will be dead useful eventually. I now have three sticks of deodorant (they gave me three) and so what if the one is Men's speed stick? And hey, a bottle of Irish Spring doesn't offend me in the least. I enjoy being cheap, and was happy I was wearing my heavily repaired self-made skinny jeans.
I left, walked forever to get back to where my bike was, rode home, and filled out some more scholarships. I'm going to get my college paid off if I have to chop my arm off and claim disability.