
Apr 07, 2010 21:28

It hasn't been the best week ever,I must admit. But it wasn't terrible, I guess. I failed a physics exam yesterday, found out the guy I liked -and was getting the impression he reciprocated- is just naturally friendly and more importantly tonight was meeting some other  girl's parents. Her father is a pastor so he has to formally ask the guy if he can date this girl. Blah blah blah... all I really got from the story was, hey, even though when he talks I feel he is talking to me, he's interested in someone else. You call it being desperate; I call it being hopelessly romantic.


There really is very little to say about the last couple of days... so I think the best thing is to not say too much. It was just a lousy day yesterday and I'll be happy when the weekend is here.

Also: Anne was totally mocking me yesterday. She was using Rassilon's name in vain. I didn't mind; I got someone else to succumb to my will.

journaling for the sake of journaling, woes, anne louise

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