Apr 23, 2007 23:40
I read so much mycology this weekend (basically all of what I was supposed to read for this test). I even woke up and was on campus at 10:30 this morning (after going to bed (quite) late. I made a cinnamon cake and took it to the pot luck tonight for Tri-beta (whooooo for biology nerds). I visited Bella today in the cave that is the advertising lab (it's kinda funny because a lot of the P4 advertising kids know who I am since I've been in the lab so much pestering Bella). I just did as much physics homework as I can manage by myself. All in all, a somewhat on-target couple of days.
I am going to get help on the 3 physics problems I can't do tomorrow after class and then study mycology like nothing else. I need to finish my physics lab report tonight. Oh yeah, I need to study physics as well. Lots of work. A mycology test Thursday and a physics test Friday will do that to you.
Considering the not-so-fun-ness of this week, I don't feel stressed or bitter like so many semesters before. HAH, I totally just remembered that I don't have tumor bio on Wednesday or Friday AND no physics lab this week. I'm glad school's almost over but I'm not almost dying because of the wait. Things are going well for the most part. I'll be done May 12th. Only two finals. This semester has turned out to be a pretty good one.
Josephine is hilarious. I'm really glad that I'm getting to do research with her.
Saw Hot Fuzz on Friday at el Drafthouse with the crew. It was kinda HILARIOUS. Sooo much better than Shaun of the Dead (and Shaun of the Dead wasn't a bad movie). That and I saw Grindhouse last weekend with the crew (I've been dragged to many movies this semester...I saw 300 not to long before that). Holy shit, Grindhouse is AMAZING. I'm sure most people don't like them and/or don't understand them (there are two movies within "Grindhouse" --> Planet Terror and Death Proof). Both were amazing but I do have to say I kinda prefer Death Proof because of the last half. Although Planet Terror was just fantastic all the way through (for reasons I can't really explain because...I just can't)...I don't know. I love both of them and you have to see them to understand. Definitely lots of gruesome and unnecessary gore. Heh heh heh heh. I also liked 300 because it too was hilarious. If you take it seriously, I can totally see why people wouldn't like it. But, it's not meant to be taken seriously the entire time. Although, I do wonder if I found some of the violent parts a little too funny. Hmmm.
I watched Drive with Johnny and Kristen yesterday. Oh Nathan Fillion, how I love you. It's a weird concept for a show but it has turned out to be quite interesting. And, it has Nathan Fillion who is hilarious. I will try to keep up with it.
I totally got whistled at by a guy driving an enterprise truck on 29th when I was biking home today. WHOOOOOooooooooooo....so, yah, not something to make you excited but I thought it was funny (if not just a tad weird). Still not as good as the creepy old guy who started singing "Hey good lookin" at me on the corner of 29th and Guadalupe as I passed him on my bike going to campus my sophomore year. See, clearly I'm only hot whilst riding my bike. Maybe it's because my bike is purple or something ::scratches chin in thought::.
::sigh:: I will continue to do my lab report. Night.