I plot maniacal schemes in order to create more than this reality seems

Mar 25, 2006 22:46

I've finally figured it out! My hands got all red and stuff a couple of weeks ago but I thought it was just because they were dried out. Well, it turns out that I think I'm allergic to the Limonene shampoo that we use. It's all good in the fact that we have 5 million types of shampoo that we can use but I really like that shampoo. It de-stinks really well, kills fleas, suds up really well, and smells like oranges. I've used it a lot today because our AFI proportioner that automatically waters down our shampoos (they come in big jugs undiluted) is broken and we're low on different shampoos. Now my hands are all red and really sensitive. Oops.

Today, during my last hour, I had a pit-bull mix named Oakley that I was brushing. Since I have now mastered the art of de-stinking a dog completely to were they actually smell good all over, I was sitting down on the floor hugging her with my head on her back while brushing her. I'm a huge cat person, but I sometimes think about maybe owning a dog. I can sit and hug dogs for long periods of time while cats are like, "GET OFF OF ME" after two seconds. ::shrug:: I sound like a nerd but I do enjoy the fact that I get to play and love on dogs for my job.

School still sucks but that's to be expected. I finally saw Bella for the first time since the Wednesday before spring break. I was going through Bella withdrawal. She and Jonathan came over last night (and Jonathan "threatened" me with a knife when I got home from work at 9). We made bubble and squeak and then watch Chicken Little. We were supposed to watch Elizabeth but, of course, they didn't have it in the one time we wanted to watch it.

Three tests next week. I work all this weekend and next weekend. Blah. Only a month of school left. Otherwise, I think I'd kill something.

Oh, and the bassist from Interpol is pretty in a severe way, although it took me awhile to really think that. The end.
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