Jul 20, 2005 19:35
OMG the waves were flippin awesome today...like 5-7 foot! HOT d*mn! It was sooo refreshing after work. I heart it more than...well iono, but i heart it! haha. Don't feel like movin away from it for school, but then again I am lookin forward to being at school...*smiles*. Speaking of that, I neeeed a plaaaace to live sooon! Ugh! It's a pain. I could just live in someone's closet...I've had several offers but I lossa tings, sooo that prolly wouldnt wrk out. I need breathing room, too. hmm..we'll see where I end up...
case you don't already know, my phone had a heart attack yesterday..well 2 days ago. I was surfing a little then I came in and laid out on the beach and fell asleep cuz work made me tired, and i woke up to water rushing over me..startled the piss outta me. aaaand yeh I had my phone there with me cuz I'm brilliant and it began seizing (....seizuring? iono) and all it would do was light up and vibrate. *sadness* now it can charge and the LED is on alll the time. aaang i can check my voicemail from a different phone, but the screen is out and nothin else works so I won't have a phone for atleast a week. lol we'll see how this goes. I was tellin someone yesterday it'll be like when I broke my ankle...cept..not as bad. I seriously shouldn't be allowed to have electronics in my posession. well, like phones, cameras, and computers atleast. o well.
so my birthday is in 3 days and I'm sooo excited. I love my birthday. It always feels like it for the whole month of July. It's great.
...speaking of...summer (since I was...)...I was told that I'm as gay as the day is long, and I was offended cuz the days are longer in the summer..and then she told me that it's true cuz "summer is MY time". whatever. I'm not gay.
heh shhhhhut up.
awe I was listening to dmb all day on the boat. I liked it. I found the cd. I always find good ones that I usually wouldnt listen to on the boats...but its great. I always like them...cuz im easy to please...and each one puts me in like this "new" and different mood..never bad, but it always...inspires me to do something.
I love learning aboutand trying new things and finding out cool and exciting new experiences and adventures! It's so..iono fulfilling. makes me happy. I think I have ADD. I get bored really easily, but not alll the time. Just HATE sittin around. thas all. I'd rather be out exploring..or..."rompin'" *wink*
anyways, i got off on a tangent. cant wait to see certain people this weekend. I hope her flight will not be delayed on my birfday! maybe ill go skydiving next week. we'll see what my schedule looks like. anyone wanna go? dont be a pussy. my MOM's going. lol.
I am going rollerblading I think. I'm sick of sittin here.
full moon tomorrow...its going to be a beautiful night. wish i could spend it with you.