So today has been all over the place. And I'm tired of it.
My whole life I've been cared about, but not worried about. Well, I'm sure people have worried, but they've never said anything. And I don't mind, I've gotten used to it. So why, all of the sudden, does everyone seem to care? All through school my parents have never nagged about my grades, and now they're on my back like 24/7. My mom says it's because she's paying $20,000 a year to learn. First of all, my education should've been of this much importance even when she wasn't paying a dime. She never bothered to find out what my grades were or how much I was keeping up with Los Emps or NHS or work or anything. Second, I've told her I want to go back to Corpus. I loooove Austin so much, but I don't feel like I being here. As much as I don't like Corpus, I wouldn't mind seeing my family all the time or going to the beach or actually doing really well in school. And I really miss Brandy. I know she'll be leaving in a couple years, but I miss hanging out with her and being dumb with her. I miss my best friend and it sucks. I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
I'm starting to get sick, like where you wake up and you can't swallow because your throat is so scratchy and raw. But, I don't want to complain anymore. About anything.
So before I go, this is where I want to live next summer:
I guess I should start practicing my German!