Oh hey you're Ricardo's friend who left a comment on my ex's journal couple of days ago so ya I think remember you. =)
Anyhow I just said those just trying to comfort the losers and not really saying those by any mean of knowledge and facts. Lets just say those people who voted against gay marriage are a bit prejudice against homosexual and are just not ready to accept them am I right? We just have to accept that for now and not be bitter about it and make up some stuff.
"As for the British, Russians, Italians etc being major allies who believe in what we are doing... The majority of those countries populations actually think of the war as a huge mistake."
Here's that word "majority" again which is way overused by minorities. You say that as if the people who goes on tv and complain or hold rally's are the majorities. If those so called majority of yours are against their leaders hmm how come "The real majority" voted them again as their leader? Blair being reelected as UK's Prime Minister and Putin reelected as President, just like how the minorities here advertised in the world that the majority of the americans hated President Bush yet they were proven wrong at the end as the majority infact liked Bush and reelected him again as president.
and why would I even consider voting for Kerry who's been a Senator for more than 15 years yet had very small record of accomplishing anything good for this country. and someone who was sent to vietnam by a democrat president to wage war against a country who we have no interest with what so ever. Well lets just throw the cold war as an excuse but then did Vietnam really had an alarming connection with USSR at that time? NOPE. Those medals he recieved doesnt mean anything as some proof that he knows how to protect this country. He flip flops too much and just proved that hes unreliable and can never make a solid decision. He just simply does not qualify to be a President maybe a senate but not a president sorry.
btw I will infact respect Spain decisions of pulling its military out of Iraq for the people of Spain were really against the war cuz they voted Aznar out of office and replaced him with Zapatero. now thats what you call the "majority".
and for ex presidents Reagan was a great President along with Bush SR, Reagan for ending the cold war and Bush SR for stopping Iraq of its invasion of Kuwait. but I will stop short for praising Clinton cuz he was even worst than Bush. He went to help Kosovo just to take away the headline of him having an affair with Monica, Sent troops to Somalia,Sending troops to Haiti to oust a dictator,Bombed Yugoslavia to oust Melosivic. Yet how come you guys never bashed Clinton for that? How come only Bush gets that treatment for ousting a brutal, terrorist breeder Saddam Hussein? It just plainly shows thats its all about the party you are in. weird eh dont you think? and I like how you say the "only" way to get free college assistance is to join the military when we all know thats an over exaggerating statement. Two of my good friends here in AZ got money for college from the government and didnt have to join the military.
I know politics and I sure know what im talking about infact I got an offer to go to Standford but I had to decline cuz I was not really into politics that much and deffinately dont wanna major on something I dont want and totally dont wanna go to school that breeds Democrats. Interesting stuff tho that they made a good mistake for breeding Condoleeza Rice. hehe Anyhow actually it doesnt really matter if you have good backgrounds to back up your statement cuz even a lawschool graduate can just be biased when it comes to facts and can easily deny the truth just to support the party he likes wether its Republican or a Democrat.
Sorry to say but if your gonna want to debate with me about politics well i suggest that you find more resources than just with your democratic theology facts. You just cant come here and leave a biased comment and expect to not give you and independent "true" facts. Believe me you wont get far with just that as basis of your knowledge of politics. Politics are all the same as its the most dirtiest job ever thats why if you really know politics you have to look at it as from an independent view and not just from your party's view.
Anyhow I just said those just trying to comfort the losers and not really saying those by any mean of knowledge and facts. Lets just say those people who voted against gay marriage are a bit prejudice against homosexual and are just not ready to accept them am I right? We just have to accept that for now and not be bitter about it and make up some stuff.
"As for the British, Russians, Italians etc being major allies who believe in what we are doing... The majority of those countries populations actually think of the war as a huge mistake."
Here's that word "majority" again which is way overused by minorities. You say that as if the people who goes on tv and complain or hold rally's are the majorities. If those so called majority of yours are against their leaders hmm how come "The real majority" voted them again as their leader? Blair being reelected as UK's Prime Minister and Putin reelected as President, just like how the minorities here advertised in the world that the majority of the americans hated President Bush yet they were proven wrong at the end as the majority infact liked Bush and reelected him again as president.
and why would I even consider voting for Kerry who's been a Senator for more than 15 years yet had very small record of accomplishing anything good for this country. and someone who was sent to vietnam by a democrat president to wage war against a country who we have no interest with what so ever. Well lets just throw the cold war as an excuse but then did Vietnam really had an alarming connection with USSR at that time? NOPE. Those medals he recieved doesnt mean anything as some proof that he knows how to protect this country. He flip flops too much and just proved that hes unreliable and can never make a solid decision. He just simply does not qualify to be a President maybe a senate but not a president sorry.
btw I will infact respect Spain decisions of pulling its military out of Iraq for the people of Spain were really against the war cuz they voted Aznar out of office and replaced him with Zapatero. now thats what you call the "majority".
and for ex presidents Reagan was a great President along with Bush SR, Reagan for ending the cold war and Bush SR for stopping Iraq of its invasion of Kuwait. but I will stop short for praising Clinton cuz he was even worst than Bush. He went to help Kosovo just to take away the headline of him having an affair with Monica, Sent troops to Somalia,Sending troops to Haiti to oust a dictator,Bombed Yugoslavia to oust Melosivic. Yet how come you guys never bashed Clinton for that? How come only Bush gets that treatment for ousting a brutal, terrorist breeder Saddam Hussein? It just plainly shows thats its all about the party you are in. weird eh dont you think? and I like how you say the "only" way to get free college assistance is to join the military when we all know thats an over exaggerating statement. Two of my good friends here in AZ got money for college from the government and didnt have to join the military.
I know politics and I sure know what im talking about infact I got an offer to go to Standford but I had to decline cuz I was not really into politics that much and deffinately dont wanna major on something I dont want and totally dont wanna go to school that breeds Democrats. Interesting stuff tho that they made a good mistake for breeding Condoleeza Rice. hehe Anyhow actually it doesnt really matter if you have good backgrounds to back up your statement cuz even a lawschool graduate can just be biased when it comes to facts and can easily deny the truth just to support the party he likes wether its Republican or a Democrat.
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