So. This just proves I um should not make life decisions*. Or be caught listening to catchy 1D songs by my my teens.
After gushing over it for 10 minutes, I realised hmm I need to get a Japanese 3DS. *gross sobbing* Not really. But see my remark about that*. Considering it's region locked and all, the only upside to it is playing everything in Japanese, which err will hopefully aid in Japanese revision. Considering most of my PSP games are in Japanese well, the bulk are all otome As my level of Japanese has fallen to almost beginner level, tragic and slightly sad at the same time.
And on a random note, finally found that RPS!Shirota/Yanagi from seven years ago. I don't know why, but I had a sudden desire to read it again. All I remember it was Shirota being jealous of Araki and Yanagi's close friendship. And there was Chinese takeout and chopsticks at one point. Yes. Random. I know. But I find a fic tends to be more memorable, if they describe the food or maybe it's just me, as I like food. As there was a Thrill Pair fic, which I can only recall apart from Fuji being Ryoma's psychology teacher was the mention of burgers and Fuji's sushi and lemonade he drinks…
So, what's everyone been up to?