On The Origin of Species

Nov 18, 2009 12:55

While walking through Red Square between classes I came across a group of people handing out copies of Darwin's "The Origin of Species." I was quite suprised and impressed that finally there was some athiest representation on the predominently crazy-Christian populated part of campus. It seems all we get is Ultra-Conservatives passing out flyers about the Obama consipracy or Christian groups showing ultra-graphic images of research animals with their heads cut open to protest abortion (I don't get the connection unless they're protesting science).

So I followed the masses and accepted a book with a smile. "God bless" was what the woman said as she placed it in my hand. I was slightly taken aback, but hey, it's cool. Yesterday on the bus ride home I finished reading "The New York Regional Mormon Singles Halloween Dance: A Memoir" by Elna Baker so I needed a new book anyway. I sat down in Mary Gates Hall and started with the introduction. Oddly the introduction was in a much larger font in comparison to the rest of the text which is somewhere closer to 6pt. "Maybe they're just trying to cut back on printing costs." I reasoned.

I was wrong. ... About everything. 10 pages into the introduction they slapped it on: Darwin is a good scientist who figured out some cool stuff but it doesn't prove evolution. Here are 10,000 weak reasons why people who believe in evolution are dumb.

Hmm... so pro-darwin, anti-evolution. Okay. Whatever. The book is still in my backpack and I feel like it's a bag of dog crap that I'm carrying around until I can find a trash can: nervous that someone will notice the smell.

books, school

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