my blogcrews~

Nov 14, 2004 22:48

Good night »Inoo Kei«
wewill meet each other in our dreams to spend a few
moments with love and happines together.

earlier blogcrews can be found in here.

whenever you get near me,
my heart goes off like a bomb

just like the pieces of a puzzle,
we were made to fit each other

I need to cool off because
Inoo Kei makes my body HOT

♥Inoo Kei♥
I know what love is,
and it's because of you

Inoo Kei only wants me
to kiss his booboos

My milkshakε brings all the boys in the yard.
But I just want my »Inoo Kei« baby,
you can have the rest of them.

♥ INOO KEI and I ♥
had a whale of a time last night.
& boy, was he naughty.


the sweetie owner of my

That night, the moonlight was shining
On the path that I had yet to decide where to go
Without realising, I was just making a detour
Still thinking of you, INOO KEI.

I dream of my first kiss, and then,
I feel upon my lips again,
The taste of [Inoo Kei]... tasting much sweeter than wine.

[Inoo Kei] is a b a d boy for sure;
He sneaked into my room last night to 'hang out' with me
and only god knows what he meant by that..

I N O O  K E I  ;
I'll give you all I've got to give
If you say you love me too,
~ Jika ~

I N O O   K E I
in the s k y with d i a m o n d s ;
and the sky is my mind
and the diamonds are pieces of my h e a r t

My paradise isn't on a beach,
it's in his arms.
{Inoo Kei}

it was
{Inoo Kei}
ran towards me. and said,
"baka. don't blame me if you get sick."
then he pulled me in his arms, and
we shared his jacket together.

I got a phonecall from
{Inoo Kei}
and he told me,
"Where ever I maybe love,
I'll always be in your

Let's make love in this club, Jika
I'll make you wanna shout just like oh ooo oh ooo

☆ [Inoo Kei] showers me with love everyday
and helps me reach out to the sun making our
love grow each day like a blossoming flower☆

I closed [Inoo Kei] to my heart
And he stole the key

"Even if we can't be together,
I want to follow my memories,
and see the same happiness as you do
The fireworks burst in a flush, together with that scent
I want to go to where you are,
I want to run off right now"
I'll love you forever ♥Inoo Kei♥

F o r e v e r is a long time without →⌠Inoo Kei ⌡← ♥

Without me,
『Inoo Kei 』 is just aweso.

『Inoo Kei』
you're my crazy ♥.

I believe in [InooBu] ♥

I believe in [Hikanoo] ♥
I believe in [Takanoo] ♥
[Inoo Kei & Arioka Daiki]
♥ Without the other, they can't be complete

-Inoo Kei-
" if you let me be your everything ...
you will never be let down,
you will never cry again,
you will never be alone...
and i promise with all of my soul
that if you were ever to fall, i'll be there to catch you
i love you, - Jika -"
then he kisses me deeply.

~ so that our wishes, too, ~
[ will be in *~Inoo Kei's~ heart someday ]
☆ ★ let's shine on like that star ★ ☆

You are my s o n g, T
he s o u n d t r a c k in my life,
I love you, INOO KEI!
~ You lighted up the stage of my life ~

~ Inoo Kei ~
It's you who told me the meaning of l o v e
You're my rhythm,
a gift in my life,
giving me b e a u t i f u l dreams,
and always by my side.

Inoo Kei, tonight in my dreams, i'll be with you

Inoo Kei
All of my life I have waited for you
Boy, you are the brightest star
and I love, love all that you are.

All of my life I have waited for you
Boy, you are the brightest star
and I love, love all that you are.

Kim Jaejoong
All of my life I have waited for you
Boy, you are the brightest star
and I love, love all that you are.

Kamenashi Kazuya
All of my life I have waited for you
Boy, you are the brightest star
and I love, love all that you are.

[ Uchi Hiroki]'s WAY OF ASKING ME OUT:

[Hiroki ]: I'm invisible.

Me: Really?

[ Hiroki]: Can you see me?

Me: Of course!

[ Hiroki ]: How about tomorrow night?

♪I spoilt the player so that it only play LOVEJUICE  by Akanishi Jin all day long ♪
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