Yeah trouble now

Sep 27, 2011 18:09

I am way late to the Haven train, but I am fully on board now. Props to a_loquita for telling me I should watch! This show is delightful; interesting and well acted, and everything that Warehouse 13 is not. And I have a new OTP! Oh, I have fallen hard for Nathan/Audrey. He can't feel anything except her touch!! The angst potential is high. And delicious. Point me to the fic, people!

I do have questions about Nathan's Trouble, however. Sort of gross questions, or maybe just practical ones. He can't feel ANYTHING? Or he can't feel anything on the outside, on his skin? Because if he really can't feel anything at all, how does he know when he needs to go to the bathroom? There is no room in those tight jeans for an adult diaper, I'm just saying. How does he eat without biting through his lip or his tongue? Also, how can he drive if he can't feel how much pressure he is putting on the gas pedal/brake? All his reactions would be off - shooting, punching someone, driving, etc. because he would have to *see* what happened and then adjust. So I kind of don't buy that he is as functional as he is. However, he is pretty and I heart him, so I'm willing to handwave a lot here.

(If I were a full-time slasher, I could probably get on the Nathan/Duke bandwagon, because that's pretty and angsty too, and gee, could they stand any closer to each other? Maybe because Nathan can't feel anything, he doesn't have "personal space".)

And I love the WWE guy - Dwight! Obviously once he comes up from Hollow Earth and causes some havoc for Helen Magnus, he settles down in Haven, Maine. *nods*

So. I need icons. And fic recs. And community suggestions! Yay, new fandom!


I meant to post this weekend to tell you all how accomplished I was. Saturday was nice out, so I spent all day in the garden, doing fall clean up and harvesting fruits and veggies. Sunday was not nice out - high wind warning and lashing rain squalls - so I went to Costco and to the grocery store, made this recipe to use up some tomatoes and froze it, made vegetarian paella using zucchini, cauliflower, and onion from my Dad's garden and tomatoes and beans from mine, and roasted the rest of the tomatoes and froze them for use in soup at a later date. Oh, and I made cucumber salad (next year, someone stop me from planting cucumbers. I had to take most of them to the Food Bank, because how can one girl eat 85* cucumbers!?!? I also did 3 loads of laundry, washed a zillion dishes, and beta read a fic. Yay!

*OK, so not really 85, but it sure felt like it. :S

chores, tv: haven, the ss supplyship, cooking, garden, audrey/nathan, troubles

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