My level of whiny today is high, sorry

Oct 15, 2013 15:56

This cold that I've had for the last 85 days* can just suck it. I am so tired of coughing up a lung. Like, my abs hurt from coughing. I sound like some sort of apoplectic barking seal. At least I'm no longer running a fever. Ugh.

*OK, it's only been 7 days. LONG ENOUGH.


So I complained about the Castle storyline of Beckett in DC and even called the getting fired thing, and you guys were all "I think you're freaking out for no reason". So, I'm not going to complain about the silliness off the whole scenario and the magical happy ending of how one phone call from a buddy of a buddy of the police commissioner gets Beckett her NYPD job back. WHATEVER. This is dumb writing. At least Nathan Fillion is nice to look at.

Speaking of Nathan - I don't think a lot of you on my flist watch The Walking Dead so here's a PSA - he was on Sunday's Talking Dead, as the "super fan" guest. He was adorable and geeky as always, and I definitely want him on my team when the Zombie Apocalypse hits us.

Even though Castle has been less than stellar, I have my new favorite, Sleepy Hollow to entertain me!! Eeeeeee! Every week it GETS BETTER. And the cast is fantastic on and off screen, as evidenced by this Buzzfeed interview from NY Comic Con. I don't ship anyone yet because Abbie and Crane are the best not!sister/brother combo to fight demons since Charlie and Dean on Supernatural. So between SH, SPN, Haven, and TWD, my fantasy/horror/apocalypse TV needs are pretty well taken care of. Just need a scifi space show now, because spaceships.


Now for something completely different: Brides Throwing Cats*. It's the Tumblr you didn't know you needed.

*Not really; Photoshopped for hilarity.


Oh! I almost forgot: it was Medal of Honor day today. The first Army officer to receive the MoH since Vietnam, and a Seattle native, former Army Captain William Swenson was cited for valor for his action in the Battle of Ganjgal, Afghanistan, 2009.

Great video and article from the Washington Post here on my Tumblr.
Full citation/website here.

sick, tv: haven, seattle, moh, kittehs, tv: castle, afghanistan, the ss supplyship, teh funny, tv: spn, military, tv: walking dead

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