Mar 19, 2002 03:53
sometimes i take my best friends for granted. for instance today I annoyed the hell out of nids while i was just tryiing to have fun, and even after knowing that she didn't enjoy it. I've done it time after time and i reallly have to stop. we guys have a knick of making our friends uncomfortable when it comes to lesbian issue, i'm sure my friends feeel as disgusted about it as some of us feel when they talk about us in the same tone. well, I will definetely try and make an effort not to annoy them even thouhg it may be the means of our greatest anusement.
i realized today how much my surroundings affect me, the people, the relationshops between some of my other friends. sometimes if someone gets pissed off at another friend and doesn;t talk to me, i feel really ncomfortable and doubt the reality of the conversation and interactions i've had with that other person, it all seems so fake. Ive constantly lost admiration of such people , and I try and restrain myself from doing it. well, i also realized that i think i'm overly sensitive to some issues, and I start thinking too much , they affect me too much. well, anyway I've been trying to sleep for that past few houers with little success and I hope people around me start vecoming senstitive too. poor friend of mine, i wonder how he tolerates all that i've tried to tolerate today. i proomise to work hard tomorrow.