A small tribute to my friends and family (in no particular order):
Jess: I couldn't describe how much you mean to me, but I'm sure you already know, because I know I mean just as much to you. You are the best friend I've ever had, as well as the oldest, and it amazes me how well our friendship has lasted through these years (although I do wish we saw more of each other). Even though we're very different, we're very much alike at the same time, and that's what's so great about you. You get me in ways that no one else can, and you can relate to me on those silly things that many other people I know would simply find weird or childish. I love how young you remain at heart, despite all your maturity. You manage to remind me that it's ok to be goofy and act like a kid sometimes, and that it doesn't matter what others think of you. I love you, I hope we stay friends forever.
Annalore: You are a very important person in my life. It's not just the many things I rely on you for -- from coding help, to advice on my artistic ventures, to someone to discuss the latest episode of Some TV Show We Both Watch with -- but the fact that just knowing you has helped shape the person I am today. You're unquestionably one of the smartest people I've met, not to mention among the very coolest; your wit, ingenuity, and endless ability to bare with someone such as myself, despite all the crap we've been through, amazes me day after day. I know we fight more often than preferable, and there are times I really dislike you (as I'm sure there are when you dislike me), but in the end I am definitely blessed to know you.
Ian: I'm really glad you're a part of my life. You are cool in very many ways, most of which I'm sure you're aware of. There are many things I would not have known and would not have done if you and I weren't friends -- I would've missed out on a lot. There's so much stuff I love about you, from how easygoing you are with practically everything, to how you and I can talk for hours about seemingly nothing at all. And I love how despite the fact that our views differ on many key subjects, we never argue or fight about who's right and we never get offended at the other's opposing viewpoint, but instead we can both respect each other's opinions and learn something from the other person. And even though sometimes you seem altogether too smart for me, I still always find lots to talk about with you, and the time we spend together is still among the most fun parts of my life. I'm so, so glad that we didn't drift apart after high school... or rather that, after drifting apart, we managed to drift back together. You're one of my best friends, I wouldn't be the same without you.
Magz: You make me laugh. You are a great friend, in many ways. Your never-ending encouragement and lovely compliments concerning my graphics not only have brightened many a day for me, but have helped give me the will to believe in myself and to keep doing what I love (and by the way, your own blending skills, my dear, are astounding). And even though there are lots of things we disagree on, particularly in the fandom, I'm glad that it hasn't diminished our friendship or made us think any less of each other. You're a great person, and I'm happy to know you.
Mom: I'm sorry I don't say this enough [or barely at all], but you are my rock. You have done so, so much for me while asking for little to nothing in return. You have built me up, you've pushed me, and sometimes you've even carried me on your shoulders. You've done much more for me than I deserve, and more than any mother need do for her daughter. I could never have gotten through the years without your love and support. I know I disappoint you sometimes, and I'm very sorry for that, but I know you love me anyway. You're a wonderful mom.
Dad: You've been like my best friend ever since I was little. You are one of the few grownups I can really relate to and that I feel understands me, and you treat me like an equal despite the fact that you're older, smarter, and way more knowledgeable than I. I am very grateful for that. I've borrowed a lot of ideas from you, many things you have taught me have shaped who I am and how I look at the world; this is because I admire you more than anyone else in my life -- you are the wisest person I know (not to mention the most culturally evolved). You are an amazing person in so many ways -- your strong ideals, your integrity and perseverance, your passion for literature which I greatly envy. Along with that, your humor and ability to look at every situation with a smile has helped me maintain my faith in life and desire to stay an optimist, even through dark times. I might've given up long ago if it weren't for you.
Terry and Irina: I know we don't always get along, but you guys both mean a lot to me. Even though I've often wished I had sisters closer to my own age, you guys have both been great in your different ways, and it probably would not have been the same if you were younger. I love you both; I'm sorry if I don't show it enough. In her own way each of you is important to me, and each of you has done many things for me that I am very grateful for. You've both helped me grow and helped shape me as a person.
Joe: I know we've drifted apart these past few years; I really wish we hadn't. But I want you to know that you still hold a very special place in my heart. You're smart, ambitious, and you have a lot going for you -- you are a great inspiration to me. And I'm glad for what we did have a few years back, even if we don't anymore. Some of my best memories have you in them, and I'm eternally thankful for all the fun we've had.
Sam: You're so smart, so funny and sweet, and so mature for your age. Despite the fact that I don't get to see you, what I hear about you from your mom and grandma makes me very proud. I only hope your brothers and cousins (including the children I might have some day) can follow your example.
Denis: Sometimes you can be a little bratty, but I know that you're a good kid at heart. I love what a great imagination and sense of humor you have. I know that you'll make your parents and the rest of us proud.
Ben and Gregory: You guys are so cute and sweet, I adore you both. I know that even though you're sometimes a hassle to take care of, the two of you and Sammy bring Terry and Nick lots of joy, and that more than makes up for it.
Rich and Maria: You two are practically like my second parents. I love you both; my friendship with Jess would not be complete if I didn't get to also be friends with you. You're both funny (in different ways) and you both make me smile, you're kind, you're caring, and you are great parents to Jessica. You're both amazing people.
Oops... that took a lot longer to write than I thought it would. I guess it's technically not Thanksgiving anymore. But oh well, it's the sentiment that's important, right? I actually meant to say more... like, non-Thanksgiving-related stuff... but I'm really sleepy right now, so that will have to wait for the next post. *yawn* Happy... um, stuff... everyone...
(Reply to this and make Supes' mediocre holiday a little brighter. You know you want to.)