(no subject)

Nov 28, 2006 12:13

Hello kiddies. Long time no updatie. What is new? Well, my husband stood in line in the shit cold and got a Nintendo Wii. People kept telling us to sell it on Ebay, but it's just too much fun. Besides, it's not like the Playstation 3 where you could easily make a grand. The first day, I played the boxing game and would you believe it? I got sore. Who knew you could get a work out and play a video game at the same time? Genius.

I am still doing my show at the Jungle. I have learned a lot about professional theater and the not-so-professional people in it. It is good material for when I teach. I can't understand how the oldest, most experienced equity actor in the show is also the most asinine. It boggles the mind.

I just got an email from Robin today, my sister who is in Iraq. She is fine, she assures me she wears her bullet-proof vest and helmet everyday. But for a cunning man, those are easy obstacles to get around. Hopefully she doesn't come across a jaded intelligent suicide bomber soon. I wish this war was over. I wish my sister didn't join the army in the first place. But those are things I have no control over, so I am coping as best as I can.

I will be relieved when my show is done. I've never had this experience before when acting actually becomes work. When bringing myself to go to the theater is a chore. We've still got another month left, pray for my sanity please.

Miss you all, when I have a life again I swear I am going to hang out with some of you guys!
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