Mar 15, 2004 00:06
So, what have I learned through reflection? Very rarely have I attained some sort of metaphysical knowledge through retrospection. I shouldn't say that. Instead I will attempt to correct myself by saying, "Very rarely have I ever applied any of the knowledge I have gained through reflection." That's probably better.
I often think of those who have wronged me. I think of what I could have done to provoke them, ..why? I endlessly question myself as to what I could have done to prevent any pain other people have inflected upon me. More than that though, I think of what I would tell myself if I had the opportunity to go back in time. (I wouldn't know anything at all now. Yes, I know. This is the reason why time travel is impossible. I do not wish to argue time travel, instead I'd rather explain why I will never ever understand any of this.) I honestly know that I have never intentionally harmed anyone in my life. I'd like to think of everyone else as other versions of myself. I don't think anyone has done anything to hurt me on purpose. I'm sure there are people out there that have though. I'd rather think that those people do not have the awareness that few of us are blessed with. If anything, I pity those who have wronged me. I do not hate them. They have taught me so much. I've gained a deeper insight to myself through the acts of other people. I pray that I would never hurt anyone in the ways that most of us have been hurt. I pray that God would put obstacles in my way of doing so.