Marriage Equality

Jun 22, 2011 16:20

Apparently unconfirmed reports say that at LEAST one "undecided" senator has anonymously said that they will vote for marriage equality. Rumours are saying it's possible we have a SURPLUS of aye votes. I just called Skelos' office and was told "I hear they're really close."

Please, please keep calling. But keep calling Senator Skelos at 518 455-3171, as well and tell him to LET US VOTE. Let our Senators speak for us and,to quote Senator Roy McDonald (my hero) "do the right thing". This is SO unbelievably important, I can't even begin to encompass it verbally. They need to give New Yorkers the dignity of visibility, of speech. They need to let LGBTQ and supporters have a voice and let the people who represent us righteously be heard. Let us raise up our voices and shout for freedom.

Please make them understand that real leadership is bringing these issues forefront and centre. Not hiding them and hoping time runs out while they remains cowards.

We have the votes, now all we need is a place to let them be heard. Please call. Please don't stop calling. Don't give up. Don't let the angry, hate-filled mob win. They are bullies, but together we can beat them peacefully and with love. We just need a chance to be heard.

Please call Senator Skelos and tell him it's time that we stopped being hidden in corners. We are New Yorkers. We are the majority of New Yorkers. And we support Marriage Equality.

gay marriage, gay rights, activism, politics

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