We're all working for the Pharaoh

Jan 04, 2011 11:23

My fingers are all swollen from the weather, I sniffle a lot and my thighs are constantly cold. Otherwise I manage to bundle pretty sufficiently. The gloves are an issue because then I can't do things like use my phone, book, metrocard, etc, so I end up taking them off a lot. My nose is a lost cause because I hate the way it feels when I wrap my scarf around my face. Too much breathing-y humidity. But my thighs? Why are they always cold?

ETA: No seriously, knuckles, what? Ow.

In other news R and I went to see pnh 's band, Whisperado, play on Sunday. It was pretty great and I recommend you all come with us to Banjo Jim's to see them again on the 23rd, but also, more importantly, I was thinking about the Thompson covers he did. (We can also talk about how much I love Richard Thompson, or how happy it makes me that PNH loves Richard Thompson even more than I do.) He did "Where the Drunkards Roll" and "Working for the Pharaoh". He did a really great, loud and fast version of Pharaoh (closer to this but even more rock-y and less folk-y) that I've been thinking about a lot. It makes it sound...angry about it almost. Which was cool. And made me think of having to do taxes.

In other news, I've been volunteering for the dancing group I'm a part of, and they're about to make me a "lead" volunteer. Also there are some dissidents on the board who want me to be the sound chair. I'm flattered and this group is something I've been, on and off, a part of for a long time, but I have this recent instinctive aversion to responsibility and/or volunteering for extended periods of time, that I've been noticing. I don't know if I want to make that commitment. Which is funny because it's happening more as I become more comfortable with commitment in other areas of my life (having a full-time job, relationship, lease, etc), but perhaps that's too be expected as I a) understand responsibility more and b) have a lot on my plate already.

Sometimes I still think of things in terms of college applications and "extra-curriculars". Would a kind of weird hobby like English Country Dancing count for me? Would volunteering for it count? Should I , instead, be spending more time on something like Marriage Equality NY? Then I remember no one is judging me in that way any more. I still want to volunteer more though, though where I'm to find the hours in the day I have no idea. But I want to do more for MENY and I really want to volunteer for an LGBT youth shelter, the Ali Forney Shelter. I also still want to do theatre and write for a couple places, as well as hopefully get into copy-editing/freelance editing for real and not just for friends. So my plate is full to start, let alone things that don't pay!

Do you guys volunteer? Where? How do you do it/make time? I'm very good at big gestures (volunteering for AN ENTIRE WEEKEND), but I think I'm still trying to figure out how to do a low-level, steady commitment that I can maintain without burning out.

volunteering, concerts, life less ordinary, music

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