Superwoman, Batwoman

Jan 03, 2011 21:20

 I am them all.

Tonight I felt awful, after a truly awful day at work. Oh the day I had. It involved a couple hours of the helpdesk telling me I sucked, followed by them telling me my email account had been terminated. So I moseyed on over, very quickly, to my boss's office and freaked out about whether I was fired at him. I wasn't. (Him, on the phone to HR: "Could you get them sorted out so my employee doesn't have to be paranoid? That'd help. Thanks") They just sucked. It took them until 3pm to restore my email, by which point I was tired and cranky and unmotivated and wanted to go home. You saw the results of that earlier.

So tonight I debated whether I wanted to see people, or whether I was too tired, cranky and generally awful to do anything. The latter won. So I got home, changed into sweatpants, a tanktop and a hoody - the important part here is nothing tight, businessy or with underwires - and looked bleakly at my flat. There were dishes. There was not food. There was cat litter to be changed. Life was woe.

AND THEN I FIXED IT IN THE FACE. I made chicken shepherd's pie, knishes, ate bread and cheese (it is possible my blood sugar was low), did two loads of dishes, ran the dishwasher, scrubbed the counters and cleaned parts of the fridge, dealt with the litter and some of the trash. Also I listened to the BBC radio 7 iPlayer with two episodes of I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue and petted the kitties a lot.

Admittedly I used a different veggie mix for the pie and the sweet corn is interesting. The spinach was a good addition, but I don't know how I feel about the sweet corn. It's very noticeable, though still tasty. My roux is more liquidy this time, which I think works because the potatoes were dryer, but maybe I needed a little more wine? Or stock?

All of that took less than two hours. Now I feel better; accomplished and less stressed about life. I have twenty pounds of orange fur wheezing in one arm and I'm considering my new collection of A Bit of Fry and Laurie that I was given by someone fabulous this holiday, while the kettle begins to boil for tea in my new mug covered in Shakespearean insults and words for coitus. I like to read my mug. It was a great holiday gift. Almost as good as thumbelinablues 's one with the disappearing wives of Henry VIII.

ETA: Out of which I am drinking the fancy new cherry white tea my little brother got me for Christmas. I'm surrounded by my awesome gifts.

Note to self: Eating and cleaning almost always make you feel better. Also fruit. But you don't have any right now. So buy more!

bbc, flat, life less ordinary

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