Readercon report

Jul 15, 2010 11:09

Or how I ran out of dry underwear.

Readercon was a whole lot of fun.eople much smarter, more coherent and less sleep deprived than I was and am have written up reports on the matter.  cf. Blake's, Eugene's, Brit's and Rose's. (I don't know that anyone else posted things about my adventures, but am happy to be proved wrong.) Pictures exist all over facebook and picasa.

So, to recap from those links - and unlike everyone else, I'm not going to apologise for namedropping. Some of these people are my friends. That doesn't stop me from occasionally looking at them and saying WTF they are famous/fabulous/talented/round the freaking bend.

1. There was pool time. It involved Blake, David Forbes, Charlie Stross, Paolo Bacigalupi and Brit.
2. There was fate!dinner oclock. Joining us were Irene and Greg, Megan and Joey and lots of other people.
3. There was a "meet the pros" party. I wore a dress. There are photos. There was a really cute guy with a tongue piercing. Also I hung out outside with Alaya for a while and remembered why I think she's incredibly cool.
4. There was a room party at Rose's. I made up for a day of less snuggling by snuggling Rose's face off. No, literally.
5. There was lobby snuggles with Liz Gorinsky, Blake and peoples. There was also pool plotting with Jeremy of Nightshade.
Then there was sleep.


Day two:
Sleep. Panels. Blake on a panel! Serious thoughts of playing hooky on the rest of the panels. Running into Eugene and deciding that pool was actually the way to go.

1. There was pool. There was hot tub. There was outdoor pool. There was more hot tub.
2. There was a brief nap.
3. There was Kirk Poland. I laughed so hard it was actually painful.
4. There was fun at the bar.
5. THERE WAS POOL PLOTTING FRUITION. Rose, Josh, Megan, Cat (Valente), Dmitri (Cat's amazing husband who I'd just met and fell entirely in love with), Blake, Liz, Amelia Beamer, Jeremy and I'm sure a host of people I'm forgetting and we all dashed down at about 11:30, realising the pool closed at midnight, without our bathing suits (well, most of us) and frolicked. Laura Anne Gilman observed and Peter Straub took pictures.
6. Then I got redressed in new dry underwear and a dress. (At this point I was beginning to run out of dry clothes) and went to a drunken poetry party with Cat and Dmitri.
7. Then I went and snuggled on a bed with Blake and Megan at Eugene and Matt Kressel's party. There might have been cake. There might have been us putting cake on Blake's head. It might have been the most hilarious thing to have ever happened.
8. Then there was really lovely night and sunrise.
9. Sleep? What's sleep?

Day three:

FOOTBALL. Zomg magic psychic octopus was right. I snuggled. Then there was epic long bus ride home, enlivened only by entertainment.

Then there was a week of trying to catch up on sleep. Dude, if cons are all like that? I wanna go to cons all the time!

books, friends, readercon

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