Things a director should never say

Mar 26, 2008 05:04

Include "This will be a little like Cats" and "Then you'll descend into the Ocean of Love." The latter had me snickering for ages.

Today we spring-cleaned the theatre. I got there after my last interview to have a chat with Mozz about Thoroughly Stupid Things, which may be taking me to Mass for a week in May, and to catch up with Lanie. So all in all a couple hours and I'd be out? No. That theatre is the devil. I got there at 4:30-5-ish and didn't leave until 12:30. But then Lanie bought us cookies, so that was awesome. And Thunderemerald? There's an amazing cookie place on W. 8th between MacD and 6th. I'm assuming it's 24 hours since the name is Insomnia Cookies. They're not that expensive either. 6 cookies were $5 and change. So good. And hot! Amazing.

Did a huge amount of cleaning; the place looks a lot better. Still have a lot to go though and if work goes as I'm hoping, I'll not have much time to do what I want since the only free time I'll have is evenings; show time. This weekend though I'm determined to tackle the Costume Shop and Cold Storage (deep storage) and really get cracking on Estro. L almost cried with excitement about finding a home for the ladders; the material I put up over the bottom of the booth and cleaning the carpets. It was sad and yet adorable. Gina will be thrilled; we're thinking about moving the monitor so the camera will catch the entrances and you can see it from the booth. There were a lot of those "no way! We so stupid" moments when we realised how easily things could be improved. i.e.: Hanging the speakers! In three years no one bothered to hang them. It freed up a lot of space, made things look so much nicer and they work better there too. So way too long and not what I should have been doing this afternoon, but it felt good. I miss that space when I don't spend a lot of time there. The people and the community are amazing; the amount of volunteers who showed up just for free pizza and wine (and I don't even think that was the offer when they were asked) is truly astounding.

Hot Lighting Designer is banned from the theatre though. This is a significant problem for me. Admittedly it's a terrible situation all round, but mostly it's devastating to me. I had it all planned out; I was going to join the writer's group his fiancee was a part of and charm her into taking me home for the two of them. She had to quit the group because of the whole fiasco and now I need to quickly engineer ways of seeing them! (And persuading them to take me home.) Death and sadness. And poxes.

In different news, I just reread Terrier by Tamora Pierce. I'd forgotten just how amazingly awesomely terribly wonderful it was. Want. Need. Pine. Burn. Perish. CAN'T wait until 2009 for Bloodhound. Death. Give me more. It was fun recognising not just Meg's character, but the things that were absolutely based directly on her. As Kora was saying "brought food" (ok paraphrasing) I heard Meg saying to me only last night "can I feed you?" Or every time Meg says "I can pay you with cookies!" (or brownies.) Still not fair she got to sleep with Spike.

Also? The glossary/character list/all that stuff in the back is hilarious. I normally never read those cause I get bored and her's aren't particularly more interesting, except that occasionally she'll throw in a very matter-of-fact hilarious line that's totally utterly her. Stuck in amongst the fantasy-land talk is some very down-to-earth bits like "They're the most expendable...Everyone knows it." Or "Swords are expensive, take years to train....and they tend to break just when they're most needed." It's the punch at the end of the sentence that cracks me up.

Need to begin to get ready for work relatively soon. Blech.

books, friends, tamora pierce, theatre

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