
Mar 24, 2008 03:17

As she grows older she's becoming more vocal. She'll never be a loud cat (thank god) but she does her little chirruping when she wants me to pay attention. She did it a little while ago so I'd open the door and then she sat in front of it looking up at the door handle. Then she came in and out for a few minutes before chirruping again. As I looked up and said her name she did it a final time before walking towards me. She stopped and looked at me until I cleared a space next to me on the bed and then jumped up to curl up next to me. She's grown so much; both physically (though she'll always be tiny) and mentally. She feels a lot more...human? Intelligent? She really communicates her little heart out to me.

A told me that while I was out she would sit on either side of his door and cry. If he let her out she'd cry to go back in, but if he let her in she'd cry to come out. Then apparently a good thirty seconds before I walked in she jumped up and ran to the front door. Can she actually smell me from that far away? (Has to be at least halfway up the stairs?) It does explain how she's nearly always at the door tripping me when I walk in.

I had a moment, as I looked at her tonight, of thinking about what happens when she's gone. I don't think I've been attached to anything like this in a long time. Not something that I absolutely knew was going to go before me at least. Not for a bloody long time though, that I'll make sure of. I can't really imagine my life without this tiny bundle of joy.

Her tongue's a lot rougher too now. She licks me constantly. I don't know if it's the moisturiser (I know it is sometimes, but sometimes I definitely haven't moisturised in way too long) or whether she just thinks her Mummy really needs cleaning, but she's practically scraped my face off a time or two. Admittedly she's a mouthy little brat. Sometimes I think she'll lick anything. She certainly tried to lick Sara's painting.

My uncle always said I just wasn't much of an animal person. The extent to which he's wrong amazes me. She's cleaning her side right now, smiling and eyes could I not be entranced with her little face? I never meant for this to happen. My life doesn't really make sense to have something dependent on me right now. But I wouldn't trade her for anything.

Even if it does make me a crazy cat lady to be this obsessed.


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