Aug 26, 2005 16:44
I used to have a Heisenburg mobile, but everytime I looked at the speedometre, I got lost!
Dave is keeping me late - potentially till 8ish - today. He justifies this because I get next week off, despite the fact he just told me I got next week off (which leaves me so much time to plan) and the fact that he told me at 2 today that I might have to work till 8. He knew this as early as yesterday, and definitely this morning. He turned to me and asked "do you have plans for tonight?" To which I replied in the affirmative because, oh wait, I DO! He then replied "well, you'll have to make them later. I have to go do something with my kids at 4, so I can't get to the work we have to do until 6 or so." 6 being when I'm supposed to LEAVE.
Snugglebunny - I am so sorry I didn't call you back last night. After I dealt with the phone call that interrupted ours, I called my parents which took longer than I expected, and then the MacRican called and by the time I got off the phone with him I passed out. Which sucks because I miss spending hours on the phone with you, and I shan't be able to do so this weekend. It will happen though, I promise. Then you'll be back and we'll have lots of crrrazy adventures. Et je t'aime cherie, ne l'oublie jamais.
On a slightly more down note, I was hoping that something had stopped affecting me quite so much. The lesson from this past week is that I was wrong and it still hurts.
I am looking forward to this weekend though. Now I just have to sit through hours of mind-numbing boss-ness first. (I swear it's like he just sits there thinking "I am an eeeevil boss, I will eat all the leaves off the tree so there are none for the others. Because I am an eeeeeevil boss.)