Friday night, thinking things over.

Jun 24, 2011 22:45

What I've been up to today:

I ended up doing one of those random searches a few nights ago and I found Tomboy Style, and after going through some of their archives I saw this outfit. And today I more or less found my own version when I got an orange tank top from Old Navy and bright blue shorts from Walmart. SUCCESS. I think the only shoes that would be acceptable to wear with it would be white Converses, which I do not have. In the meantime, sandals will do.

I constantly filter/second-guess posting things on Tumblr because I know that some people I follow dislike them, and I hate that I do that. I've been maintaining a blog/various other forms of social media for such a long time that I've been through bouts where I wondered why someone else was following me/making comments/reading my stuff because I don't always post serious things, and I'm silly a lot of the times or kind of a mess re: my personal life, but I rarely cut entirely back on posting what I liked. But on Tumblr, it's like, I'll see something about Glee (for example, as that's one of the major hot-button things with the people I follow) that I think is cool, and I'll like it instead of reblogging it because some of my followers have a visceral dislike of it.

And I get that. It's cool. But sometimes I read that dislike and their remarks about their dislike as being something of a judgment of everyone who likes that particular thing, and I feel like they're thinking less of me, because while I do have my own issues with various things that I like and I understand the criticisms that other people have about them, it's just... taxing. Is it ever possible to say "I understand why you dislike this, and why it makes you angry, but when you go on at length about how terrible it is makes me feel like you're saying that I'm terrible for liking it" without sounding whiny?

At any rate, I'm trying to tell myself that followers/online friends read my stuff for a reason: because they like it and they like me, and that there are people whose stuff I read and like, and we don't always share the same opinions about all sorts of things, but I don't see them in a less-than stellar light because of it.

And, to close on a lighter note, a gif of Castiel from Supernatural barfing a rainbow!

I have no idea where the "barfing rainbows" thing came from, but I enjoy it so much.

supernatural, raging tagaholism, glee, tv, fandom

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