let's play catchup

Mar 09, 2005 22:27

SOooo It's been a while. I'll try to catch you up. I'm going out with John, it's officially a month, 3 days ago. In two days is my birhthday- and no one is planning on doing anything because all my siblings are getting me one present- Cowboy boots for the trip I'm going on with my mom This summer- which is where all my tax return money is going to as well. I have no money- I'm in debt, I have two jobs, 3 racked up credit cards, and i haven't paid my cell phone bill in like 3 months. ..Oh, or my insurance. I practically live at john's now, but not at the point where I'm leaving any of my stuff here. I couldn't live here anyway- boys a gross, he doesn't clean it drives me nuts. He's good to me, we have fun, but he's hyper sensative. Which is hard for me sometimes, because I'm open, honest and tough. He gets beaten a lot. I'm doing well In Jiu-Jitsu, moving up. Although I haven't gotten to Ryan's point yet, even though i swear he barely ever comes. Funny story- For Valentines I did this big Massage set up thing for him. I decked out the bedroom with this Heart and red satin fabric. Black lace hearts fabric, I hung from the door way, entrance, I throughly cleaned his room, I should have taken before and after pictures, 0h my lord was it gorgeous. I re-arranged his closest because-he's a boy- and he just kinda- threw everything in a pile, close the door really fast and hope for the best. So he didn't really use it, just to hold stuff..that didn't realy hold because it was packed with so much stuff.. in not any sort of order. So anyhoo, I put most of the stuff on shelves, inside the closet (imagine that-useing the shelf space). And hung up the shirts on hangers. (ooh) there making tons of space, so you could actually use it as a closet. Does he---no but it was a great idea! So anyhoo- I throughly cleaned the room, swept it and all that, covered the bed with this soft blanket he had, and then threw the red satin kinda fabric over it. So it was soft silky comfy, and looked so rich and sexy. And I put the black lace heart fabric on the head board behind it. And on top of the head board I put 3 red roses and insense. And I got these cheezy little foam hearts that were white, pink and red. And sprinkled them from the hallway leading into the bedroom and then on the bed. Now if I didn't tell you what this was all for at the begining..you may assume other things happened. But no- it was just a Valentines massage. I made this relaxing mix CD "valentine love massage mix" including at lot of Jim Brickman, piano music, but also some soft Maroon 5, sinead O'connor, enya, and of course In your eyes-and then it ended with "Angel" by Sarah McGlaghlen, I probably just butchered that name- but anyhoo-I did a massage through the whole CD it was like an hour, without stopping. I got this mango sented oil from bed bath and beyond. That was organic, so it wouldn't have been poisen if i hate it..or something. SO anyhoo-The funny part, when i went to by the mango stuff I had a card, and it was declined-surprise. And i was late for work so I had to go, I tried thinking of people that i could get it for me, because i wouldn't be out of work intime to get it. And luckly, on the way out I ran into Pete- I love Petey he so perfect with the ladies. And not in a slimy way, but classy way. But anyhoo- so Pete is a friend of John's we all go out on Tuesday nights, with RJ - a kid i grew up with before middle school in GRAY - I love maine...so anyhoo Pete was coming into work, and i was like "Pete! can you do my a favor. I tried using my card but it got declined, I'm late for work, and i don't have time. (that's poetic, i didn't say it that smooth then) There is this little bottle of Mango sented oil they are holding for me at BBB can you pick it up for me its only 8 bucks- I'll pay you back when I get out of work" "Ok, BBB, Mango oil, got it, I'll write it down right now" "ok thanks! DOn't tell John!" it was so awesome, I felt kinda wierd asking him because we had only been out together those like 4 times at Uno's i hardly knew him, but I was like..yeah he'll do it. And he did, And i stopped by afte work picked it up, payed him back, it was smooth, i was psyched. And Robin, was dispatching that night, so she knew about it, and someone else was working, that i didn't know, and he knew about it. "here ya go..I was gonna use it for something else if you didn't come sooner..hehe" ah yes..boys. So anyway You know the rest of the story, It was a massage it was perfect I was psyched, he was intoxicated- because he was nervous about doing everything right on valentines. He made me a Bear at build a bear. In a Tux with chocolates, his name is Max, he's cute. And he got me a thing of massage oils..so i can give him massages..which is ..cool..Anyhoo--so two days later we go to Uno's, so I'm in the comand center at the mall,with John waiting for Pete to get there, so we can all go over. Pete arrives, when John isn't there. And he was like "So how was it?" I was like "Good" and he was like "Good" so When JOhn comes in He stands up and walks rather close to John "how did you like what I got you for valentines day?" John goes "What?" pete takes two steps forward, now he is nearly ontop of John, chest to chest. And Petes a big boy, wide, muscle and stuff. So Pete is like on top of him and then he sniffs his neck twice and John backs off and is like "what the hell?" and i am laughing so hard I can't speak, but when i can I go "Pete, I didn't tell him" Pete goes "What? OOoh, this is awkward" and he is backing off really quickly. John goes "What" Pete and I both go "nothing" at the same time..AAHHHH hhahaaa!
ooh later
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