
Aug 31, 2004 20:18

Wow it has been a way way long time since I wrote in here. (look there I go again with the following of the crowd!!) Everyone says that!! But it really has been forever. I remembered that I needed to Update this when someone said to me... "You need to update your journal" and that made me way excited b/c that means someone actually reads this!!!
Since I dont remember all the exciting details dating back to the 12th I will just inform you on the major events until I can remember stuff.
Well on the 14th was Ashleys farewell party!! :( It was soo fun, and I ammm soooo sad that Ashley has to leave!! At least we still get to see her over the breaks and stuff b/c Tucson isn't too far away. Like NY or Viginia (where I almost went)!!! Than on Monday we all hung out again b/c we just couldn't bare to think about her leaving, so we had to hang as much as we could before she left.
And I know I did other way fun stuff that week, but I cannot for the life of me remember it at this moment. I may come backl to it at a later date, but we will see.
So my first week of school went pretty good. I only go to class on MWF!! So on tues and Thurs I get a nice (well deserved) break. So monday was kinda boring b/c all we did in all my classes was go over our class syllabus. So for those of you in high school, yes it is a little the same in that respect. Except in my last class, the teacher finsished the syllabus in 5 minutes, and he said he didn't want to be like other teachers and just let us so, so he lectured for the whole time. Tues (Aug 24) I just slept in. (at least thats all i can remember) Wed was better for classes b/c we actually got started. World religions is way cool b/c Micehlle is in it with me. We have fun looking at the guys together, but it is definetly harder now that she has a bf b/c now she wont admit that they are cute, she only says "hes cute for you" when I know she's sooo into him. But she is a good faithful gf. My english teacher loves me b/c i have this odd quirk that appeals nicely too her. I have an eye for errors. For example when I read stuff (even like 100 page packets) I catch like every little error. And the teacher keeps making errors, you know the usual, grammar errors, typos, misspellings, and other such stuff. Well so I tell her that she is making these errors and I point them out to her, and she absolutely loves me for it. Fri she even challenged me to catch her error (the one she noticed herself) and I found it, and like 4 others. Math is soooo freaking easy!!! My teacher there hates me, b/c I keep answering all her questions and such. She thinks I need to take a higher math class. And i'm the only one who knows anything, so I'm usually the only one raising my hand. And chem is just chem. Wed we had lab tho, and we met our lab groups and all that stuff.
Fri (aug 27) was just about the same. Except instead of NO breaks I got 2. 1 of my classes doesn't hold class on Fri, and the other mostly doesn't hold class on Fri. Well michelle and I got passes for a free lunch, and were rather excited. I asked Gabe if he wanted to go with me, but he had to be a jerk about it and be his normal Gabe self...well I don't want to get into that, lets just say I went by myself to lunch. And it ended up being an ok thing b/c two guys asked for my number. Well that Fri night I can't remember what I did, o wait yes I do... I had to spend my first weekend as an official college student, get this...... at home with my family!!! How sad is that?? Yes I know its depressing. It happens though, friends come second to boys. But as the night progressed Ronnie called and asked me a huge favor!! And that leads into the weekeknd, and a huge crazy story, that I hate to do this to you, but I must finish tomorrow b/c I am out of time here!! But please keep reading and you will definetly look forward to this story!! Some people heard bits and pieces and they can tell you that its worth the wait!!! Thanks for reading, and I hope I was able to entertain you for this short period of time. Sorry the details weren't as good, I just flat out can't remember!!
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