Aug 12, 2004 20:21
Today was super fun!!! Mostly b/c I slept in till like 12, and then went to Mtn. View to help coach the Badminton team, and knowing that they have bben up forver, and not just up, but sitting in class!! hahaha!!! Don't worry I'll be there soon kidos, but I'll also be done before you, and I go later, and I only go 3 days a week!!! hahaha...again!!! Yeah so I drove up, and parked, and it was too hot in my car so I stood outside and waited for my lovely friend Michelle to pull up. While I was standing there waiting I saw Taylor!! hehe haven't seen her in a while, and that was cool. She was all wierded out bc I dont go there and today in one of her classes they handed out books, and her book had my name in it, and then she saw me!!! Crazy huh???
Well then Michelle finally got there, and we went to go talk to Mr. Sullivan, but since we were soo close to Shubert I had to go say hi to him. That was way fun, I saw some kids I know in his class, and I laughed at his class bc all they do the first month is take notes, and I told them that the whole first month i just slept, and schubert said, "that was ok tho b/c she made really good pictures. She could sleep as long as she kept making me her beautiful pictures." It was soo fun!! Than we went and had Badminton practice, and that was cool, we had more of a turn out than others had expected, but I kinda thought we might get a decent turn out. That was pretty much my day.