(no subject)

Apr 28, 2012 23:54

So I haven't posted since December and it's almost May. Oops? Well, for anybody who was wondering - pretty much nobody - I am not dead. I've just been watching a ridiculous amount of k dramas and lurking on reddit and tumblr for some godawful reason. Reddit is the worst because there's all these really long threads that I always stumble into when I'm tired, and when I'm tired I cannot stop myself from clicking the 'next' button if there is a 'next' button to be clicked. Which then makes me more tired, which makes me click more etc etc never ending cycle.

So that's what I've been doing.

Also, I've started learning how to play the cello. I've had it for about five days and I am terrible at it. In one stroke of the bow the sound goes from mistreated speakers to rock over concrete to one glorious inch where it actually sounds somewhat like music to a violently scratched record to a strangled cat to a fork scratching a plate. Yeah, I bet my neighbours are loving this new venture of mine.

I actually just wanted an instrument that wouldn't limit me to classical or jazz and that wasn't another saxophone because I can already play the saxophone. After about two days of deliberation, I came up with double bass because you can swing and classical with that. But of course there's no friggin' way that's going to fit in our car and I wasn't about to buy a big obzokee car to tote around an instrument I may not even be arsed with in two years time. So I thought, "cello's a small double bass, I can learn that and then transfer up!" So essentially I've relegated myself to classical. Oops.

Well, okay, technically all instruments have classical pieces arranged for them and nothing's stopping me from playing jazz pieces by ear on the cello (you know, once I learn where the notes are and stop sounding like I'm strangling a giant mutant cat). I will doubtlessly be playing the same damn songs I play on sax that I've never had sheet music for. The difference is whether I can easily find a group that accepts that instrument along with that style. Sax isn't an orchestra instrument in general, but I can take it to wind band and we will occasionally play classical. I cannot, however, take a cello to big band. Although that shit would be interesting, in my opinion. Difficult, because a trumpet can drown the hell out of a cello, but hey that's what mics are for.

I'm actually kind of surprised at how loud it is, though. I thought string instruments were really quiet considering a flute can drown out half a dozen violins and a sax can drown out half a dozen flutes. This may just be a dynamics thing, though, idk I don't read other people's music.

Anyhoo. This is not even what I was planning to talk about. Perhaps tomorrow. Or in another five months.

rambling, music

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